Life Is Too Short

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    It's been one week since Olivia has released the bodycam footage of Tamika Pratt and nothing has come out about it just yet, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before it does. One morning she woke up, and the first thing she saw was, her phone's screensaver of her and Spencer. She wanted to be with him so bad, but she knew that he probably doesn't like her anymore. Since they had that conversation at Spencer's house, they barely spoke to each other, and Liv blamed herself for it, she would constantly think of him and wondered if he did the same. She wished that things would have gone differently at his house so they would at least be talking even if they are not together, she still wanted them to be best friends like they were when they first met each other. She turned off her phone and made her way to the bathroom to take a shower. After she's done she went to go put on some clothes to get ready to go to school.

   Olivia came downstairs seeing her Mom, her assistant, and Jordan looking at the TV in shock. When Liv looked at the TV, she saw that the footage was being broadcasted on the news. Laura is really upset that the footage got out somehow, so she gets on her phone to call her boss. When he answers, Laura then asked "how did they get the bodycam footage". Olivia gave her an answer, saying "I gave it to them". Everyone turns and looks at Olivia. "What did you just say" Laura said in disbelief and anger. "I gave it to them since you didn't want to help me get justice for Tamika so that you could keep your fucking job, I did it my damn self" Olivia shot back with anger. Laura then hung up the phone and walked up to her. Once she was standing face to face with Olivia, she slapped her to the ground saying "Watch your damn mouth". Jordan ran over to Laura "what's wrong with you" helping Olivia up.  After Jordan helped Olivia up, she faced her mother and said "Why... so you could try to keep me silent or try to stop me from getting justice for Tamika I don't think so, I also don't care if you lose your job I did what needed to be done, I did something you should have done". Laura was so angry that Liv released the footage without her permission. "Get out of my damn house, you are no longer welcomed here" Laura said to Olivia calmly. Olivia shot her a disbelieving look "ARE YOU SERIOUS" Olivia yelled, starting to feel her eyes fill with tears. "What the hell mom you can't just kick her out she's your daughter and my sister." Jordan said. "I don't care, she went behind my back to release confidential information that if it was released, it could cost me my job, and she just released it without my permission, so as far as I'm concerened, she isnt't my daughter and she isn't welcomed here" She turned back to Olivia "And if I ever see you here, I will call the cops since that's considered treaspassing" Laura said. Tears started to fall from Olivia's eyes "FINE SINCE YOU ARE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOUR JOB AND NOT YOUR OWN DAUGHTER YOU WON'T EVER SEE ME HERE AGAIN" Olivia yelled, then walked upstairs to get her clothes and her posdcast equipment. She walked back downstairs "Don't go Liv please don't, Mom why are you kicking her out" Jordan said stopping Olivia from going out the door. "If you don't want her to go by herself, then you can join her" Laura said full of anger. Jordan hugged Olivia crying, "It's gonna be ok Jordan I'll find a place to stay, and once I do I'll call you" Olivia said. Jordan let Olivia go nodding and watch her go out to her car and then watched her drive off.

   Spencer saw the news and wondered how the footage got out, but he was glad it did. He was walking outside, to go running before he went off to school. About half of a mile in, he felt his phone vibrate. He took it out of his pocket to see that it was Olivia calling. He picked it up, hearing her cry really hard. "What's wrong," Spencer asked concerned. "I released the bodycam footage" Olivia said still crying.  Spencer was confused, "That's great and I'm proud of you for that, but why are you crying". "Because I told my Mom and she kicked me out and told me to never come back" Olivia said fully broken. Spencer couldn't believe that Mrs. Baker kicked her own daughter out "Do you have a place to stay" Spencer asked. "I called my Dad and he said that I could stay with him, but can we meet up somewhere I want to talk to you in person before you have to go to school". Olivia asked "Of course just tell me where" Spencer said. "Actually I was wondering if I could come to pick you up so we can go together" Olivia said Spencer was hesitant at first but decided to let her pick him up "Yea I'm out running, but I should be back at the house when you get there". Spencer said "Cool I'll be there in 30," Olivia said smiling.

  Olivia picked up Spencer and they went to get something to eat. After they got their food they went to the park. They found a bench, so they sat down on it to eat. It was an awkward tension between them and Olivia couldn't take it anymore, asking him "So how have you been it's been a while since we hanged out like this" Spencer looked at her, then gave her a soft smile "I've been good, just focusing on football, trying to get some more scholarships" Spencer said. "That's great, I heard about you tying your dad's record, that's amazing, I'm so proud of you" Olivia said smiling at him. "Thank you, but what did you want to talk about, that we couldn't talk about on the phone" Spencer asked curiously as he wondered what Olivia was gonna say. "I wanted to talk about us" Olivia said and Spencer looked up at her. Olivia looked down, "I know I probably ruined things between us after I decided to drive you drunk, and I'm truly sorry for doing that to you, I hate myself for doing that to you. I know we haven't talked that often over this past month, but I'm just realizing that life is too short to not try to be truly happy every day because you never know if it's your last. Ever since Jordan's injury, I was thinking about calling you to tell you what I'm tryna tell you now, but I was always hesitant to because I didn't know if you ever wanted to hear my voice again. But ever since last week, when we were at the ceremony for Tamika, I realized that you can just die even when you are doing absolutely nothing, and I don't wanna die without living the experience of being your girlfriend. And I know that you probably don't feel the same anymore, but I just needed to get that off of my chest." Olivia said while the tears are falling from her eyes. Spencer was looking at her with tears falling from his eyes as well, "I feel the same way Liv, and I'm sorry for not calling you, but we needed to get in a better place mentally, and even tho we are not fully healed, we are in a much better place than we were a month ago, and I do want to get together and be with you, I'm at my happiest when I'm with you and I'm still in love with you and that hasn't changed Liv" Spencer said sincerely. "So does that mean we're officially a couple" Liv asked hoping he would say yes. "I don't know you tell me baby" Spencer said smiling. "YESS" Liv screamed happily, then she leaned over to give him a soft but passionate kiss. "I Love you" Liv said staring into his eyes. "I Love you too". Spencer said back. "Guess what, my Dad asked me if I wanted to attend Crenshaw, so I wouldn't have to see Mom often and I said yes, so he is enrolling me in tomorrow." Liv said excited as she thought of being in the same school with Spencer again, but this time as a couple. "Really that is great, I can't wait until tomorrow". Spencer said really excited to spend his first day at school with Olivia especially since they are officially a couple now. "Me neither babe" Olivia said kissing him again.

Damn that took a lot of writing, well I hoped you guys enjoyed the first chapter and if you want me to continue just let me know, also give me ideas for future chapters, Love you guys ❤️💙❤️💙

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