You're The Only One For Me

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Spencer woke up to a knock on the door. He tried to get out of bed, but Olivia tugged his arm. "Where are you going babe, please don't leave me?" Olivia asked, wanting to keep cuddling with him. "Baby, there's someone at the door, and it isn't my mom or Dillion, because they have a key, so I'm going to see who's at the door. I'll be back babe, I promise" Spencer said, giving her a soft kiss. "Ok, hurry back, please." Olivia said, letting him go. Spencer put on his briefs, and some shorts, slid his bedroom doors close, then went to the front door. He opened it, to see Rochelle standing there. "Hi Rochelle, umm... what are you doing here?" Spencer asked, with Rochelle looking up at him. "I miss you, Spencer." Rochelle said, with Spencer raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean you miss me'' Spencer asked, with Rochelle coming a little closer putting her hands on his chest. "I mean, I miss you, I have feelings for you." Rochelle said, with Spencer taking her hands off of his chest, then he backed up. "Well, I don't like you, I have a girlfriend, so it's time for you to go." Spencer told her, then he tried to close the door, but she put her palm on it. "Who is your new girlfriend, I bet the hoe is ugly." Rochelle said, with Spencer starting to get upset. "None of your damn business, so why don't you get your Roach ass off of my damn porch and go home, before I have to get the Raid!" Spencer said with Rochelle smirking. "Stop playing hard to g-" Before she could finish, Spencer slammed the door in her face. Then he went back to the bed, with Olivia sleeping. He got back in the bed, "Who was it, babe." Olivia asked, "Rochelle," Spencer said with Olivia raising an eyebrow. "Why was she here?" Olivia asked getting a little jealous. "She said she missed me, but I told her I already got a girl, who is the only one for me," Spencer said, giving Olivia a soft kiss, with Olivia grinning. "You damn right baby!" Olivia said confidently. "Liv I have a question to ask you, but I don't know how" Spencer said a little nervous, but Olivia kissed him softly. "Baby, you can tell me anything." Olivia said sincerely. "Ok, umm... will you go to prom with me?" Spencer asked, with Olivia starting to kiss him passionately. "I would love to, baby," Olivia said kissing him again, then they cuddled up, so they could fall back asleep.

Spencer woke up, a couple of hours later, hearing Dillion's voice outside of the bedroom. "Baby get up, Dillion's home." Spencer whispered waking Olivia up. "Ok, I'm up." Olivia said tiredly. "Good, now put your clothes on." Spencer said, with Olivia doing just that. Once they were fully dressed, they both went outside of the bedroom, to find Dillion, watching TV. "What's up D?" Spencer asked, with Olivia going over to sit down on the couch. "Man I just got over from my girl's house." Dillion said with Spencer chuckling. "Oh, so it's official now?" Spencer asked, with Dillion starting to stutter, "Well not exactly, but I'm going to ask her on a date soon, but I don't know how." Dillion said nervously. "Just be yourself D, you two are already great friends, and if you actually like this girl, just tell her how you feel." Spencer suggested, with Dillion raising an eyebrow, "That's sounds familiar." Dillion joked, he was referring to Spelivia. "Man shut up." Spencer said hitting Dillion softly, then a knock came from the door, "I'll get it." Spencer said. When he opened the door, it was Kia and Darnell. "Yoooo D, when did you get back in town?!" Spencer asked while dapping up Darnell. "Today actually, and Kia picked me up from the airport." Darnell said, with Kia giggling. "Wait, are... y'all dating now?" Spencer asked, with Darnell leaning over to give Kia a soft kiss. "What you think bro?" Darnell joked, then Spencer's mouth dropped a little. "What, girl why didn't you tell me?!" Olivia asked while running over to Kia hugging her. "Girl we just made it official in the car!" Kia said enthusiastically. "Umm.... Ok." Darnell said, with Spencer chuckling. "How's ya moms, is she doing better?" Spencer asked, with Darnell nodding. "Yea bro, she's doing way better now, so since she's doing better, I came back home." Darnell said, with Spencer dapping him up. "Yea man, home hasn't been the same without you, and a lot has changed." Spencer admitted. "Like what?" Darnell asked, with Spencer starting to shake his head. "Man it's a long story, I'll fill you in later, but for starters, me and Liv are dating." Spencer said proudly. "Yea congrats bro, it's about damn time, shit." Darnell joked, with everyone laughing. "I know right." Olivia said, kissing Spencer passionately. "Get a damn room." Darnell said, with Spelivia laughing. "You too bro, I see Kia over there checking you out." Spencer clapped back, with Darnell chuckling. "What, your girl checks you out all the time, why can't I check out my man." Kia joked, with everyone laughing. "Umm... guys, I'm still here." Dillion said. "Oh and ya man Dillion got himself a crush, but he's afraid to ask her out on a date." Spencer said, with Darnell looking over at Dillion. "Don't be embarrassed D, just be yourself, and ask her out, a girl appreciates that more, than you trying to be someone else." Darnell said, with Dillion nodding. "It's good to see you again Darnell, I missed you." Dillion said, hugging him. "I missed you too D."

I'm so so so sorry for the late ass post, I didn't know what I wanted this chapter to be about at first, I'm so sorry, and if you guys are sleep, I apologize, but damn I'm proud of Spence for kicking the ROACH out, he got the Raid and kicked her ass out, I'm glad Spencer told Liv the truth on who was actually at the door, and reassured her, that she was the only person for him, and he asked her out to the prom he loves that girl so much, and my boy Darnell is back and he started dating Kia. See you guys later for another chapter Love you guys ❤️💙💜

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