Someone New For Someone Old

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Today is Curtis's birthday, and normally it just is him and Nicole every year, but this year is gonna be different. This year, Nicole gave out invitations to Spencer and Olivia and asked them to invite friends and family. "I can't believe that the old man is turning 65" Spencer told Olivia. "Me neither, and he's so damn funny." Olivia said, with Spencer chuckling. "You should've heard what he told me when he called me at the cabin, he told me how he got caught having sex at his mom's house." Spencer said, making Olivia burst out in laughter. "As crazy as that old man is, I love him, and he supports us as a couple, I mean he sends me texts every day on how to maintain a good relationship with you." Olivia said, with Spencer agreeing. "He sends me texts every day too, he deserves a party, this was a great idea that Nicole came up with." Spencer said, with Olivia agreeing. "So who should we invite?" Olivia asked. "Well for starters, let's invite your pops, he and Mr. Curtis seem to be close, so why not him." Spencer said. "That's a good idea baby." Olivia said, wrapping her arms around Spencer's neck, then she started to kiss him passionately. "Baby, we're supposed to be giving out invitations." Spencer said, with Olivia giggling a little. "I know, but after his birthday, how about me and you can have a little VIP service when we get back from the party." Olivia said, seductively, with Spencer chuckling. "We can do that after we pass out the invitations." Spencer said, with Olivia giggling. "Looking forward to it." Olivia said, winking, making Spencer chuckle again.

"Happy Birthday Grandpa!" Nicole shouted, bursting into his room, waking him up. "Damn it, girl, don't do that, the last person who busted into my room like that, almost got his head blown off, so don't do that, brings back bad memories of when I was in the military." Curtis said, making Nicole laugh. "I'm sorry but happy birthday!" Nicole said enthusiastically, with Curtis looking a little surprised. "It's my birthday?" Curtis asked, then he looked at his phone, to see that it was his birthday. "Why can't I just ever sleep the whole day when my birthday comes?" Curtis mumbled. "Are you ok grandpa, why do you always seem grumpy on your birthday?" Nicole asked. "I'm fine, now can you get out." Curtis said, with Nicole shaking her head. "No, you have to get ready, you know that we always celebrate your birthdays." Nicole said. "Fine, give me thirty minutes, to take a shower, and to put on some clothes." Curtis said annoyed, with Nicole starting to smile wide, then she left the room. Curtis pulled out an old picture of him and his late wife, he started to trace the picture, with his fingers, with tears welling up in his eyes. "Miss you every day, I wish you could be here today." Curtis said, wiping away his tears, then he got up to go into the bathroom to take a shower.

Nicole got a call from Olivia, she answered it. "Hey Liv, how're the invitations going?" Nicole asked. "Good, we invited 20 people, and my dad said that he was gonna get some people to come as well." Olivia said, making Nicole smile. "Great, I'll see you guys at the party." Nicole said, then she hung the phone up. Three hours later, the party was set, the guest was there, waiting for Curtis to show up. "Where the hell are we going, Nicole?" Curtis asked, getting a little annoyed because he didn't want to leave the house. "Stop complaining, and just listen to the GPS, so we can get there on time." Nicole said, with Curtis scoffing. They arrived at the location, "Here put this on." Nicole said, handing him a blindfold. "Why do I have to put this piece of shit on?" Curtis asked, making Nicole laugh. "Just do it." Nicole said, with Curtis snatching the blindfold out of her hand, and then putting it on. She stepped out of the car, then she helped Curtis out. They were walking inside, with Nicole taking off the blindfold. Once she took it off of him, everyone yelled surprise, damn near making him fall on his ass, but he caught himself. "What the hell wrong with y'all, don't y'all know y'all could've given me a goddamn heart attack shit!" Curtis said, making everyone laugh. "Happy birthday, Mr. Curtis." Olivia said, kissing him on the cheek. "Thank you Liv." Curtis said, with Spencer walking up to him, pulling him in for a hug. "Happy birthday, Mr. Curtis, love you old man." Spencer joked, with Curtis laughing a little. "Thank you, son, it's good to see you, and how are you and Olivia doing?" Curtis asked, with Spencer grinning from ear to ear. "We're doing great, you know living our best lives together, but today isn't about me and Liv, it's about you, I mean you're turning 65, you getting old as hell." Spencer joked, with Curtis laughing. "Just because I'm old, dosen't mean that I can't whoop somebody's ass." Curtis shot back, making Spencer laugh. Then Nhani and her mother Denise walked in, with Curtis and Denise locking eyes with each other. "Hey Nhani." Spencer said, with the both of them pulling each other in for a hug. "What's up, Spence." Nhani said, then they both pulled away from the hug. "So this must be Curtis." Denise said, walking up to him, taking his hands in hers. "Oh god here we go." Nhani said, placing her hand over her head. "Yes ma'am, this is he, and might I say, that you are fine as hell." Curtis said, intertwining their fingers. Nicole, Spencer, and Nhani we're looking at them, "Ok... Well we're gonna leave you two to be." Nicole said, pulling both Spencer and Nhani away from them, so they could talk in private. "So are you, I mean you look so good." Denise said, with Curtis chuckling. The party was going on for hours, and Curtis and Denise didn't spend five minutes away from each other, they were flirting the entire time. "Damn, baby look at Mr. Curtis spitting game." Spencer said, making Olivia laugh. "I see him, it kinda reminds me of you talking to me, I mean I'm already yours and you still flirt with me every day." Olivia joked, with Spencer raising an eyebrow. "I know you ain't talking, you kiss me literally every ten seconds." Spencer said, making Olivia giggle. "No I don't." Olivia said, then she sat on his lap, to give him a passionate kiss. "See, that's what I'm talking about." Spencer joked, with Olivia bursting out in laughter. "Well I can't help it, your lips are just so soft." Olivia said, giving him another soft kiss. "I'm just playing babe, I love all of your kisses." Spencer said, then they both leaned in for a passionate kiss. When they pulled away, they tried to look back at Curtis and Denise, but they were gone. "Where did they go?" Spencer asked

Hours later, Curtis and Denise, were leaving the club, drunk as hell. "Damn baby... you... are fine as h-hell." Curtis said, slurring his words, making Denise giggle. "So are you." Denise said. They got in of Curtis's Mercedes, he tried to crank the car up, but he was out of gas. "S-Shit, well... I guess... we're stuck h-here." Curtis said, continuing to slur his words. "I guess so, b-but I have one question, how big is it?" Denise asked. "I mean why don't you come here and find out." Curtis said, with Denise raising an eyebrow. "It's probably tiny as hell, and you're probably too scared to pull it out." Denise teased. "Girl you crazy as hell, this my dick, I can put it any goddamn where I want to." Curtis said, unzipping his pants, then he pulled it out. "Well will this be your first time?" Denise teased again. "Girl, I've been fucking black and white women since 1945." Curtis said, then they both leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Well damn, Curtis finally got a woman, well damn, but thank you guys for 5k reads I love you guys so much, and I have two great conversations with two of you guys last night, and they were so damn funny had us cracking up, y'all know who y'all are 🤣🤣🤣 please show yourselves 🤣🤣🤣 let me stop but seriously those two conversations with those two people was so damn funny I mean we were laughing so damn hard 🤣🤣🤣, Anyways thank y'all again for 5k reads and I love y'all, see y'all later for another chapter 🤍💙💛

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