Special Gift

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Spencer just got his check from rescue smoothies, and he wanted to get Olivia something special. He was saving up money with his checks for a couple of weeks to a month. He went to the Pandora store in Beverly Hills, and he got Olivia, a pendant of him and her, he called in the order a week back and he was going to pay for it on the spot, which he did. He was going to give it to her during their date they had tonight. He then got a text from Olivia.
   Spencer's Texts
Wifey💛💜🤞🏾: Hey Spence I can't wait for our date tonight ❤️😩
Me: Me neither babe and I got a surprise for u 👀😉
Wifey💛💜🤞🏾: oh I love surprises can't wait to see what it is 😍❤️
Me: well ur gonna have to wait babe
Wifey💛💜🤞🏾: Fine, but ILY 😘😍
Me: ILY Too ❤️💛
Spencer couldn't wait to give Olivia the pendant, he was so excited to see her reaction. He thought about all of her possible reactions, and it brought a smile to his face.

It was time for their date, Spencer wore an all-red suit, with a white turtleneck and white dress shoes with red accents. "Thanks, Ma for letting me drive your car for my date with Liv." Spencer said, going up to Grace, kissing her on the cheek. "No problem baby, just drive safe, and don't be out too late, I love you son, have a great date with Olivia." Grace said sincerely, hugging Spencer tightly. Spencer pulled away, with his ribs starting to bother him, they still haven't fully healed, from his run-in with the cops. "I love you too, and can I get some painkillers, my ribs are killing me?" Spencer asked, with Grace reaching in her purse for the painkillers the doctor prescribed him. "Thanks, Ma I love you, see you later." Spencer said, going out the door while taking the painkillers. Spencer pulled up to Billy's apartment. He knocked on the door, with Billy opening the door. "Hey son, she will be down in a minute." Billy said, embracing Spencer into a hug. "It's good to see you coach, are you ok, at school, you seemed bothered with something?" Spencer asked. Billy didn't want to tell anyone that he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and it was getting worse, he started forgetting things that happened the day before. "I'm fine son, just take care of my daughter tonight, and make sure she is safe." Billy said, with Spencer nodding. "You have my word.", As soon as Spencer said that, Olivia walked downstairs, she was wearing a red dress with a slit, with all white heels. Spencer's mouth dropped, with Olivia giggling at his reaction. "Well, how do I look?" Olivia asked, with Spencer still speechless. "Spencer, how do I look?" Olivia asked again, grabbing his hand, snapping him out of his thoughts. "You look, great babe." Spencer finally said, embracing Olivia, in a long hug. "Ok, enough love and affection you two, go on your date, and have fun." Billy said, with Spelivia pulling away from the hug. "I Love you, Daddy." Olivia said, kissing him on his cheek. "I love you too babygirl, have fun." Billy said, with Spencer opening the door for Olivia. "After you." Spencer said, with Olivia going out of the door. "Thank you handsome." Olivia said, giving Spencer a soft kiss. Spencer went to the passenger side of the car, opening the door for Olivia once again. "Babe you don't have to keep opening the door for me, I'm a big girl." Olivia said, with Spencer shaking his head chuckling. "Now what kind of boyfriend would I be, if I just let my girlfriend, get her hands dirty, and let her open the door for herself when I can do that myself?" Spencer asked, with Olivia giggling. "I'm just playing baby, I love that you do things for me, without me even asking you to, thank you, I love you." Olivia gave Spencer a passionate kiss. They pulled away staring into each other's eyes, "I love you too, now get your fine ass in the car, so I can treat you to dinner." Spencer said, with Olivia getting in the car giggling.

They went to a 5-star restaurant, that sold pretty much anything, from steaks to Mexican they just had a wide variety of entrees. Once they were seated, a waiter came by, with the menus. "Hello, I will be your server, what can I get you two to drink, and may I say, that you two make a beautiful couple?" The waiter said, with Spelivia laughing. "Thank you, and I'll have a water, with a side of lemons." Spencer said. "Ok and for you madam?" "I'll have a lemonade please." Olivia said. "Ok, I'll go ahead and get that for you two." The waiter said and left to get the drinks. Five minutes later the waiter came back with the drinks, "Here you go, are you two ready to order?" The waiter asked, with them both saying yes. "I'll have the chicken enchiladas, with rice and beans." Olivia said, "And I'll have the lobster tails, with a side of potatoes, and a side salad." Spencer said, with the waiter taking both of the menus. "Ok, I'll go ahead and put that in for you." The waiter said walking off. "Damn it I wanted to add something else, I'll be right back Liv." Spencer said, before walking off quickly, but little did Olivia know, he actually was trying to get the waiter in on giving the pendant to Olivia. "Excuse me, but umm I need your help with something." Spencer told the waiter, "Of course, what do you need?" The waiter asked, and Spencer filled him in on the pendant that he wanted to give Olivia, and he gave it to the waiter, so the waiter could bring it out with either the check or in case Olivia wanted dessert, he could bring it out with the dessert. Spencer got back to the table, "You were gone for a while baby, is everything ok?" Olivia asked concerned, and Spencer nodded. "Yea, I just had to go to the restroom." Spencer said with Olivia nodding. After they ate their food, the waiter came back, "Do you guys want the check or dessert?" The waiter asked, "It's all up to you baby." Spencer said. "Can I get the slice of cake and ice cream please." Olivia said, with the waiter going to get the dessert. The waiter came back with the dessert and a box that the pendant was in. "Here you go madam, oh and I almost forgot this is for you." The waiter said giving the box over to Olivia. "What's this?" Olivia asked, with Spencer grinning from ear to ear. "It's your surprise baby, open it up." Spencer said, with Olivia opening the box, and her mouth dropped, with tears welling up in her eyes. "Oh baby, how did you get this?" Olivia asked picking up the pendant. "Don't worry about that baby, just know it's for you, I love you so much, and I will never stop loving you." Spencer said as he pulled out a chain, for the pendant. Spencer helped Olivia put the pendant on, then she turned around still shocked, giving him a very passionate kiss. "It looks perfect on you." Spencer said, with Olivia giving him another kiss.

Sorry for the late post, I didn't have any ideas for this chapter at first, but I wanted to say happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers out there, me personally my grandma was my mother, because my mom was never there, she was always at work, and sadly my grandma past 4 years ago, and when it happened I was heartbroken, and to this day I cry at times, but I had to be tough for my family, so all I gotta say please cherish your mother or someone who plays the mother role like your father because once they are gone you will wish that you did so please cherish them while they are here, see you guys tomorrow for another chapter ❤️💛💙

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