Let My Love Adorn You

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The next morning, Olivia woke up, still next to Spencer, in the hospital bed. Spencer was still asleep, and she didn't want to wake him, she started thinking about her mom, and how she basically set up the confrontation with Spelivia and the police. Everytime she thought about it, the more upset she got with her mother. She was so tired of Laura, ever since Olivia released the bodycam footage, Laura has been harassing her and Spencer especially since Laura found out that Spelivia was dating. So she decided to confront her mother about everything. She kissed Spencer on the lips, then she slipped out of his grip. She wrote a note and the note reads: "Baby if you are awake before I get back, then just know that I had to run a few errands, and I'll be back soon, I promise and I love you so much. Love, Your Future Wife, Olivia." She put the note in the bed with Spencer, then she left the hospital, to go and confront Laura.

Olivia pulled into the driveway, of Laura's home. She got out of the car, and then knocked on the door. "One second," Laura said walking up to the door, then she opened the door, seeing it was Olivia. "Hi honey, please come in," Laura said smirking, with Olivia stepping inside. "So I see that you decided, to come home." Laura said with Olivia shaking her head, "Hell no, and don't worry, I won't be here more than five minutes, I just wanted to get some things off of my chest!" Olivia gritted through her teeth. "Watch your mou-" Olivia then cut Laura off "You kicked me out of my home because I got some justice for Tamika, then you wanted me to come home, and when I said no, you gave some officers my license plate number, so they could follow me, do you know I could've died if Spencer wasn't there to push them off of me, and he could've died by the way they were beating him, I can't believe you Mom, I hate you!" Olivia screamed, with tears in both Olivia and Laura's eyes. "Honey I-" Olivia cut her off again "Fuck what you gotta say, all because you care about your damn job more than your own family!" Olivia screamed with tears falling from her eyes uncontrollably. Laura stepped up to Olivia but Olivia pushed her back, "Fuck you mom, I never want to see you again." Olivia screamed, then left the house. Once she was in her, she was sobbing. She wiped away her tears, then saw that Spencer was Facetiming her, "Hey baby, how are you feeling" Olivia asked when she answered the call. "I'm fine Liv just wanted to call you to- wait have you been crying, your eyes are damped, are you ok, what happened?" Spencer asked concerned. "Oh nothing baby, I was just thinking about last night." Olivia lied, she didn't want to tell Spencer about her confrontation with her mother, but Spencer knew she was lying. "Tell me the truth Liv, what happened?" Spencer asked, with Olivia sighing. "I went to go talk to my mom, and it didn't end well, I hate her Spence, I could've lost you, because she had a cop following us when I was driving you home, and I hate her for that, I can't ever lose you, babe especially when I just got you." Olivia explained with Spencer sighing. "I understand that you are mad with your moms, but you have to forgive her at some point, and I know that won't be soon, but you still love her and you have to forgive her at some point in time." Spencer said, with Olivia sighing because deep down, she knew he was right. "I will, but I can't right now, but enough about me, why did you call me?" Olivia asked. "well I called you, to tell you that I'm being released from the hospital today, but my moms is at work so I was wondering if you could pick me up and take me home?" Spencer asked with Olivia starting to smile. "Of course babe, I'll be there in about 30 minutes." Olivia said. "Cool, I'll see you then, I love you." Spencer said. "I love you too"

Once Olivia picked up Spencer, the car ride was silent, on the way to Spencer's house. Once they got there, they found the house to be empty, "Dillion must be hanging out with Jasmine" Spencer said, with Olivia raising an eyebrow, "Who's Jasmine" Olivia asked, with Spencer starting to smile wide. "His new little girlfriend, it's a long story," Spencer said, with Olivia squealing. "Dillion got a girlfriend?" Olivia asked, with Spencer nodding. "Wow, so that means we can go on double dates with them." Olivia joked with Spencer laughing, but then he grunted, because of the pain in his ribs. "You ok baby?" Olivia asked, with Spencer nodding, "My ribs just hurt so damn bad." Spencer admitted. "Go lay down on your bed, maybe that will ease the pain." Olivia suggested, with Spencer agreeing, going into his room, with Olivia following. Spencer laid down flat on his back, trying to ease the pain, but it only got worse. "Shit, this isn't helping." Spencer told Olivia. Olivia thought of an idea to make Spencer feel better, "I know what will ease the pain." Olivia said. "What?" Spencer asked, Olivia, straddled him, then she started to kiss his ribs, making her way down, until she got to his jeans. She started to unbutton his jeans, with Spencer stopping her "Babe, what are you doing" Spencer asked, with Olivia turning to him, grinning. "Baby, just let my love adorn you, I promise, you'll feel so much better." Olivia said, then she unbuttoned his jeans, and she pull them with his briefs down. She started to suck his dick, with Spencer grunting. She started to lick the back of his shaft, "Does that feel good baby?" Olivia joked, knowing she was giving him so much pleasure. Spencer nodded, with Olivia giggling a little, "Good because this is all mine baby." Olivia said, then she started to kiss to his tip, then she put the whole thing in her mouth choking. Spencer couldn't think right, she was giving him so much pleasure. Olivia started grinding her head until he reached his climax, but she didn't stop. she kept going. "B-Baby you can stop n-now!" Spencer stuttered, with Olivia giggling, "But he still wants me, and I wouldn't want to disappoint" Olivia said seductively, she then took off her pants, then positioned herself. She started to grind her hips, fully in control, Spencer started to moan. "Shit baby, you can stop now if you want," Spencer said, with Olivia giggling, "If you wanted me to stop, then you would have pushed me off." Olivia said, leaning down to kiss him. She started to ride him, until he started to reach his climax, "baby get up." He said, and she got off just in time. She cuddled up with him, putting the cover over the both of them. "I love you so much baby, and I hope I made your ribs feel better." Olivia said, with Spencer chuckling, "Girl you mad more than my ribs feel better, and I love you too" Spencer said. Olivia kissed him softly, then they both fell asleep.

Damn Olivia is a freak 🤣🤣🤣, and I'm glad she confronted Laura it was time for Laura to get some sense talked into her, see you guys later for another chapter ❤️💙❤️

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