Couple's Day

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It's been a couple of days since Coop and Curtis got shot, they are still in the hospital recovering. The more time they spend in the hospital, the more Spencer blames himself. He still thinks he could've prevented this, He's only been out of the house for school, and football practice. He's been pushing Olivia away, and he needs her at a time like this. Olivia knew he was really down, so she planned a couple's day for the both of them, just the two of them, spending time together all day. She wanted him to feel loved, and he was not getting out of this day, no matter how hard he tries to he won't be able to, he's been pushing her away for way too long, and she's not allowing him to anymore. It's Saturday and this is the day she planned to surprise him with the couple's day. She got dressed, she was wearing the special pendant that Spencer got her, then she got in the car to head to Crenshaw. Spencer was in bed, still thinking about Coop when he heard three soft knocks on the door. He ignored it at first, but they got louder. "Fine, I'm coming!" Spencer said, raising his voice, he put on some shorts and walked to the door. Once he opened it, he saw Olivia standing there, with a grin on her face. "Liv, what are you doing here?" Spencer asked, with Olivia tilting her head. "I'm here to take you out today baby, just me and my handsome man." Olivia said happily. "Not interested." Spencer said, then he tried to close the door, but Olivia put her foot in the doorway. "Baby, you're not getting out of this, you are not pushing me away anymore, so either you come willingly, or I will drag your ass out of the house myself." Olivia said, with Spencer sighing because he knew he wasn't gonna be able to get out of this. "Fine, give me an hour to take a shower, and to get dressed." Spencer said, with Olivia starting to smile wide. She gave him a soft kiss, and went to the couch, to wait for Spencer to get ready.

"So where are we going?" Spencer asked. They were on their way to the first location. "It's a surprise." Olivia said, taking his hand and kissed it. "Why do I feel like this is gonna be a long-ass day?" Spencer asked, with Olivia kissing his hand again. "That's because it is." Olivia said, with Spencer sighing. They arrive at a massage parlor. "Well, here's our first stop." Olivia said excitedly. "A massage parlor?" Spencer asked with Olivia nodding. "Baby you've been so tensed, you need a good massage." Olivia said. "Well, I could use a good massage." Spencer admitted They walked into the massage parlor, to the receptionist. "Oh such a beautiful young couple, how may I help you two love birds today?" The lady asked. "Can we get a couples massage, one for me, and one for him?" Olivia asked. "Of course." They both were getting their massage, and Spencer was enjoying his, he started smiling a little, which made Olivia smile. Once they were finished, Olivia paid for it all. "You didn't have to...." "Pay for it, I know, but I wanted to." Olivia said, finishing his sentence. They got back in the car. "So, is that it?" Spencer asked, and Olivia shook her head. "Babe when I said all day, I meant it." Olivia said, placing her hand on his cheek, staring deeply into his eyes. She leaned in for a passionate kiss, with Spencer kissing her back. "Well, where are we going next." Spencer asked, with Olivia smirking. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Olivia said, then she drove off to go to the next location.

They spent almost the entire day together, they went to get a pedicure, to the beach, and dinner. Olivia paid for everything. Spencer was having a great time, this was the happiest Olivia has seen him in a week. Spencer was smiling, and joking around, he was the Spencer that Olivia loved to see. "Dann that was good, thank you baby." Spencer said, giving Olivia a soft kiss. "You're welcome baby, you seem to be feeling much better, glad that I can help." Olivia said getting in the car. "Well is that all for today?" Spencer asked, thinking that there wasn't anything else that they could do. Olivia shook her head, "There's one more place, we have to go." Olivia said, with Spencer chuckling. "Of course there is, well what are you waiting for, I can't wait anymore!" Spencer said enthusiastically, with Olivia giggling, then she drove off. "We're almost here, so close your eyes, and no peaking." Olivia said, with Spencer doing what she asked. Olivia arrived, at Spencer's cabin, Spencer gave her and Jordan a key in case they needed a place to getaway. "Ok, you can open them now." Olivia said, with Spencer opening his eyes. "What are we doing here?" Spencer asked. "Because this was the perfect place to give you your gift, it's inside." Olivia said, with Spencer and Olivia getting out of the car to go inside. Once they were inside, Spencer's eyes were widened, when he saw his gift. It was his father's game-worn jersey in a case and it was signed. "Baby, where did you get this?" Spencer asked with tears welling up in his eyes. "Well my dad and your dad were teammates in high school, so I asked him does he have one of your dad's game-worn jersey, and he told me how they used to swap jerseys, and they signed them after every game. So I asked could I have one, and he gave it to me." Olivia said proudly, with tears falling from Spencer's eyes. "Thank you so much baby, I always wanted one of my father's signed jersey, and I never thought I would be able to get one, thank you so much for today I really needed it, and I'm sorry for pushing you away, the truth is that I need you." Spencer said, with tears still falling. Olivia walked up to him and gave him a passionate kiss. "You don't have to thank me baby, you were so down and I needed to cheer you up because seeing you so sad, broke my heart." Olivia said, then Spencer gave her a passionate kiss. "I love you." Spencer told her. Olivia wiped his tears away, "I love you too."

That was so sweet 🥺🥺🥺 well that's the second chapter today, see you guys later for another chapter love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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