Hawaii Pt 2

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Spencer woke up in bed with Olivia laying on his chest, he looked at his phone to see that it was only 4:00 AM. He smiled, as he started stroking her hair softly, with Olivia slowly waking up. She looked at him, staring deeply into his eyes. She kissed him softly, with Spencer kissing her back. Spencer pulled away, "What was that for?" Spencer asked, with Olivia kissing him again. "For being you, and always being there for me." Olivia said, kissing him again. "You must not know how to keep your lips to yourself?" Spencer joked, with Olivia giggling. "What, it's not my fault that you're so fine." Olivia said, kissing him again. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, and more, I love you so much, baby." Olivia said, with Spencer smiling, then he kissed her softly. "I love you too, Liv." Spencer said, then they shortly fell asleep again. Spencer woke up to the sound of his phone, he looked at it, to see Nicole calling. He picked it up and tried to get out of bed, but Olivia pulled his arm, making him fall back on the bed. "What did I tell you about answering the phone, while you're cuddling with me, it gets you into a lot of trouble." Olivia said, seductively, then she straddled him, kissing his neck. "Baby, it's just Nicole, she might need something." Spencer said, but Olivia put her finger to his mouth, to stop him from talking. "Sorry baby, you can't get out of this one, you owe me for last night anyway." Olivia said, then she started kissing him passionately, with Spencer kissing back. It got heated quickly, with both of them, undressing. Once they were fully undressed, Olivia positioned herself, for Spencer to be fully inside. Once Spencer was fully inside, she started to grind her hips, leaving Spencer with so much pleasure. "You like that." Olivia said, then she started bouncing on his dick, and even though Olivia was in full control, that didn't stop Spencer from thrusting upwards. Olivia was now being left with pleasure, with precum dripping from the tip, down her legs. "Baby, I-I cumming." Olivia moaned, feeling so much pleasure. "Hold it, baby." Spencer said, thrusting upwards faster. "I can't hold it anymore!" Olivia whined, then she reached her climax. She got off, then closed her eyes, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes shot open when she felt Spencer giving her head. He was flicking his tongue in different directions, with Olivia moaning, because of the pleasure that she was receiving. He then took two fingers and started fingering her, pumping them in and out. Soon after, Olivia reached her climax again, with Spencer licking all of it. Olivia then started sucking his dick, leaving Spencer speechless. She then stopped, to lick his shaft, then she put the whole thing back into her mouth. She was grinding her head up and down, leaving Spencer full of pleasure. He soon climaxed in her mouth, then she crawls back up to him, laying her head on his chest. "I love you so much baby, please stop trying to answer the phone when we're cuddling?" Olivia asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Spencer chuckled, then kissed her softly. "I promise, and I love you too." Spencer said, then they both fell asleep.

Spelivia woke up in bed together, they got up and started getting dressed to get ready for their 2nd day in Hawaii. Once they were fully dressed, they called Chris and Nicole, so they could leave the hotel together. They were all in an uber, on their way to the first location for the day. "So baby, where are we going today?" Olivia asked, with Spencer chuckling."It's a surprise, so just be patient." Spencer said, kissing her softly. They arrived at the location, where there was a helicopter waiting for them. "Wait, are we taking a helicopter tour around Hawaii?!" Olivia asked excitedly, with Spencer nodding his head while grinning. She gave him a passionate kiss, with Spencer kissing back. "Get a room." Chris and Nicole said, with Spelivia giggling. They all entered the helicopter, and then the helicopter took off. They flew all over Hawaii, and it was a beautiful experience. Once they landed, they all got off of the helicopter, with the Uber waiting on them to take them to their next location.

They were out all day, busting tourist attractions all day long, and now the sun was going to set soon, so they arrived at a beach, with two tables set up, for both of the couples. Spencer held his hand out for Olivia to take, which she did, and they walked to their table. Spencer pulled out the chair for Olivia, with Olivia sitting down, then Spencer sat down on the other side of the table. They ordered their food, and then once it came, they ate all of it. After they were finished eating the sun was finally setting, and it looked so beautiful. Olivia was looking in awe, with Spencer standing up, and honing over to her. He held out his hand for her, and she took it. They walked closer to the sunset, then he turned around, and faced her, staring deeply into her eyes. "Olivia Baker, I just wanted you to know that I love you so much, and there is no other person that I would rather be standing right here in this moment, than with you, I love you so much, baby." Spencer said, with tears welling up in Olivia's eyes. I feel the exact same way Spence, you are my day one for a reason, and I love you more than I love anyone else ever before I met you, I didn't know if there was any hope for me, I was destined to go back to drugs, and die, but you came into my life and changed it for the better, and for that, I thank you, I love you so much, baby." Olivia said, then they both leaned in for a passionate kiss, while the sun is setting in behind them, in the background.

This was a beautiful chapter, and I'm sorry for missing the last two days, but my mind has been extremely blank lately, but I'm back now, well that's all for now, and as always, until next time 🤍🤍🤍

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