Morning Date

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Spencer was waiting for Curtis to come over, so he could babysit Dillion while he was on his date with Olivia. He heard three knocks at the door, he opened it to see Curtis standing there, with an annoyed look on his face. "Why the hell did you wake me up, to call me over?" Curtis asked annoyed. "Well, me and Liv are going to get breakfast, and my mom is at work, so I needed someone to watch Dillion." Spencer said, with Curtis scoffing. "I'm not watching no kids, did I ever tell you the experience about me watching my sister's children?" Curtis asked, with Spencer shaking his head. "Well about twenty years ago, you see we family imma talk to you, my sister was on drugs, I ain't ashamed to tell you, some of your family members fucked up too now, so don't judge me shit." Curtis said, making Spencer laugh. " Anyways my sister called me and she told me that she was gonna put the kids in foster care, while she went to go get cleaned up, and I said naw I can't allow that, you know I should've let her do that but I didn't know ok." Curtis said, making Spencer laugh even harder. "But I said I can't have that, now mind you, Spence, I know them, but I don't know them, you feel me, I know the kids, but I don't know these motherfuckers you know." Curtis said. "They were two, four, and six years old." Curtis said, making Spencer go ooooh. "Ooooh shit, come help me babysit these motherfuckers." Curtis said. "But yea and I called my brother and told him about the situation, and he agreed, so we get to court, so we could get custody of them for a year, then I was talking to the judge, I said, your honor, I can't allow you guys to separate the kids, while my sister is getting cleaned from drugs, so my brother and I, we're gonna split custody, that motherfucker turned his back on me like he didn't say shit." Curtis said, making Spencer burst out in laughter. "Yea, punk sum ma ma bitch, you see King killed Abram you know what I mean, I said your honor, I'm gonna take the kids for six months and my brother gonna take the kids for six months, this punk sum ma ma bitch, gets up and walks the fuck out." Curtis said. "I haven't seen him since, but if I ever see him again, I'm fucking him up on sight, Imma bust his head to the white meat, I swear before the lord." Curtis said, with Spencer still laughing. "I said, your honor, I'll take the kids for the year, now I had these three sum ma ma bitches, excuse my french but that's what I wanna say you know. Now the two year old she was the mother fucker, she the ring leader, this heffa done been here before, she worships the devil, she works for the devil." Spencer is crying from laughter at this point. "And the four-year-old, my sister must have been getting really high with her, because she didn't talk, she didn't say shit, all she did was look at your ass like she was Michael Myers, I told her ass one day, let me tell you something, if a fire breaks out, you better have a whistle or a horn because you gonna be a burnt up motherfucker fucking with me, I ain't got time for no groaning, ugh ugh, like bitch TALK, HOLLER!" Curtis said, raising his voice, making Spencer laugh even harder. "Naw stop laughing, Imma tell you like it is, and the six-year-old, he was a homosexual." Spencer looked at him in disbelief. "I'm serious, don't no six-year-old walk like Cinderella on her way to the ball." Curtis said, making Spencer burst out in laughter once again. "Crying all the goddamn time, quit crying do some pushups or something. They were bad as hell, especially the two-year-old, she always bossed the faggot. around" Curtis said. "Why are you calling that boy a fag?" Spencer asked. "Because it's the truth, he was a fag six years old, he was a sissy, I love the motherfucker, but he's a faggot you know, but the kids up at three o'clock in the morning, come into my room see if I'm breathing all that kinda shit, badass sum ma ma bitches, after they put their finger under my nose, I always kept my gun right under my motherfucking pillow, so when they came into the room, I would bring the strap out, and ask them, what the fuck do you want, that's how I talk to them fuck that time out shit, I ain't got time to play with these badass kids, these kids will kill you, they ain't gonna kill me imma kill them." Curtis said as he was finished explaining the story, with Spencer crying from all of the laughing. "So I ain't babysitting Dillion." Curtis said. "Come on, Dillion isn't bad, you know he's a good kid." Spencer said. "Fine, just bring me back something to eat, and here take my Mercedes, she needs a few extra miles on her." Curtis said handing him the keys. "Aight, see you later." Spencer said, going out of the door, to go pick Olivia up.

Once he got there, he texted her to let her know that he was outside. She came outside, and he could tell something was off with her, but he didn't bother asking, because she said she just woke up. he got out of the car and greeted her with a tight hug. "Morning baby." Olivia said, pulling away from the hug, then she gave him a soft kiss. "Morning, you ready to go?" Spencer asked opening the car door for her, with Olivia getting in the car. Once they arrived at the restaurant, Spencer got out of the car, to open the door for her. "You love opening doors for me." Olivia joked. "Of course I do, and I know you love it too." Spencer shot back. "Ok, you got me." Olivia said, wrapping her arms around his neck, then giving him a soft kiss. Once they got inside the restaurant, they were imminently seated, since it was early, and not many people were there. "Hi, guys I will be your waitress for today, and you two are such a cute couple." The waitress complimented, with Spelivia laughing. "Well can I get an orange juice." Spencer said, with Olivia saying the same thing. They got their drinks, "So what do you guys want to eat?" The waitress asked, pulling her notebook out. "Can I get the French toast, with eggs, bacon, and pancakes?" Olivia asked. "Ok what, would you like sir?" "Can I get the eggs, steak, and french toast." Spencer asked. "Ok, I'll get that out for you guys as soon as possible." The waitress said, then she took the menus. Spencer turned his attention to Olivia, taking her hand in his. He started to kiss her hand, making Olivia blush. "Why are you blushing, I'm all yours." Spencer said, kissing her hand again. "My hand are not my lips." Olivia said while smirking. Spencer leaned over, to give her a passionate kiss, with Olivia kissing back, they pulled away, staring into each other's eyes. "I love you, my chocolate man." Olivia said. "I love you too." Spencer said, giving her another soft kiss. After a while, the food came. They ate all of it, Spencer paid for everything, then they left the restaurant. Olivia was silent in the passenger seat, and Spencer noticed. "What's wrong baby?" Spencer asked concerned. "It's my dad, he's not around the house a lot anymore and I started to get worried, so I went through his computer to find a bunch of emails from the doctor, talking about his doctor's appointments that he scheduled." Olivia said, with tears welling up in her eyes. "What if something's wrong Spencer, I can't lose my dad." Olivia said, then she started crying, with Spencer pulling over, to comfort her. "Shhh, I'm sure he's ok, I have faith, but you're gonna have to ask him yourself, to find out." Spencer said. "Will you be there with me, so I can get some comforting if something is wrong?" Olivia asked. "Sure thing, but I'm sure it's nothing." Spencer said. "I hope you're right." Olivia said, looking down. "You know, I had Curtis babysit Dillion, so we could go on this date." Spencer said, hoping it would make her laugh if he told her the story about Curtis babysitting, his sister's kids. "Oh god, why would you do that?" Olivia asked, giggling a little. "I needed someone to watch Dillion, my moms is at work and he was the only option, so I said can you babysit my brother, and he said hell no, because of his experience babysitting his sister's kids." Spencer said. "And how was that experience for him?" Olivia asked. Spencer told her the story, after he was finished, Olivia couldn't stop laughing. "That old man is crazy as hell." Olivia said, with Spencer agreeing. Olivia's phone buzzed, she saw it was a text from Billy saying that he was home. "My Dad's home now, so you ready to find out the truth?" Olivia asked, with Spencer nodding, then he drove to Billy's apartment.

Curtis is crazy as hell why did he talk about the kids like that 🤣🤣🤣, Spelivia is so cute together and I loved their morning date, but now it's time to confront Billy. I love you guys, and here are to many more chapters with you guys. See you guys later for another chapter 🤍🤍🤍

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