Can You Stand The Rain

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Billy came home, to see Spencer and Olivia cuddled up to each other. He didn't like to see them that close, but he understood that they were dating. He shook both of them to wake them up, "Spence it's time to go home, your mom called me, and she's worried." Billy said. "Ok, bye Liv, I'll see you tomorrow, at school." Spencer said hugging her. "Why don't I drive you home, Dad can I drive him Home pleaseee?" Olivia asked Billy, with puppy dog eyes. Billy couldn't resist, "Ok babygirl, just be safe," Billy said hugging her. "Thanks, daddy, I love you," Olivia said pulling away from the hug, "I love you too," Billy said. "Come on Spence I'll take you home," Olivia told Spencer. "Ok babe, let's go," Spencer said, opening the door for her.

Olivia was driving Spencer home, while in the car, Olivia was telling Spencer, how much she appreciates him. "Babe, I just want to let you know, that I Love you so much, I mean you saved my life in so many ways, that I can't ever repay you in, if you wouldn't have came to Beverly, then I would probably be dead right now, and I thank you for saving my life," Olivia said, stopping at a red light, then leaning over to kiss him. "Liv, you don't have to thank me, a lot of your progress over this past year, came from you just growing as a person in general, and I'm so proud of the woman you are becoming, baby I Love you, and I hope to marry you someday," Spencer said, interlacing their fingers. "I would be honored to be your wife, and I Love you too," Olivia said, bringing their hands up to her lips, kissing his hand. The light changed, and all of a sudden, the police were behind them with their sirens on. "Shit, Liv we need to pullover," Spencer said, and Olivia did what he said, and pulled over. The two officers stepped out of the car, with their hands on their guns. "License and registration, please." The officer asked Olivia and she gave it to them no questions asked. "Wait, you're Olivia Baker?" The officer asked Olivia, "Yessir." Olivia answered. "I'm going to need some backup, we got her," the officer said into his radio, "So you're the slut, who released the footage, on your shitty podcast," The officer said, "Hey watch how you speak to her" Spencer said. "Did he ask you a question, because I don't recall him asking you anything, so shut your damn mouth!" the officer's partner told Spencer, pointing his gun at his face. "Get out of the car Ms. Baker," The officer said opening, Olivia's car door. Olivia got out of the car, with her hands raised, and the officer and his partner started, putting handcuffs on her roughly. "Hey, that's not necessary, she's compiling!" Spencer screamed, and the officers didn't listen, bystanders started pulling out their phones to record. Spencer rushed out of the car, pushing both officers off of Olivia. "You shouldn't have done that son," one of the officers said, pulling out his taser, tasing Spencer, then one of the officers started kicking him, while the other was hitting his ribs, with his baton. "SPENCER!!" Olivia screamed in fear, as he was unconscious, at this point. One of the bystanders came by and it was the chief of police. "What the fuck are you two doing, beating him because he's black, he did nothing, which makes him a victim, which means I will make sure both of your asses are in jail for a very long time." The chief of police said, putting handcuffs on both of the officers, and taking the cuffs off of Olivia. She ran to him crying, "SPENCER PLEASE WAKE UP, PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME, I NEED YOU!!" Olivia screamed out sobbing into his chest, while he was still unconscious. The chief of police came over to him, checking for a pulse. "He's still alive, but he needs medical treatment now, and my name is Officer Warren." He told Olivia, She was still sobbing into his chest, but was glad, that he was still alive. She lifted her head, to look at Officer. Warren, "Thank you!" Olivia said, getting choked up, and started crying again. "I need an ambulance, at my location" Officer said into his radio.

Once they were at the hospital, Spencer's breathing was shallow, and he had to go into surgery, to get titanium plates, for his fractured ribs. Olivia was in the waiting room, sobbing, when Jordan, Billy, Laura, and Grace rushed in. "Where's my baby, where's my son!" Grace asked Olivia, who was too choked up to talk, but Nurse Joy came over "Ms. James, Spencer's in surgery right now, and he won't be out for another hour." Grace nodded and sat down next to Olivia, comforting her. "Shh, he's gonna be ok baby, my son is strong, and he will be ok." Grace told Olivia hugging her. Everyone was emotional, except for Laura, she was smirking the whole time. Grace noticed and decided to say something, "What the hell's wrong with you Laura, why are you smiling, when my son and your daughter, just got assaulted, by some racist cops, and my son is in surgery, so why in the hell are you smiling?!" Grace asked Laura angrily. "Well maybe if your son was compiling, then maybe he would be just fine, now wouldn't he." Laura shot back. Olivia then realized something, "You called the cops to follow me, didn't you?" Olivia asked her with tears still falling. "What, that's ridicul-" Olivia then cut her off, "Don't you fucking lie to me!" Olivia gritted through her teeth angrily. "Ok maybe I did, so what, as long as you are ok, I don't care if Spencer dies," Laura said coldly. "What the hell did you just say!" Grace said, getting up from her seat and pushed Laura to the ground. "Stop it Grace, Laura it's time for you to get the hell out!" Billy said angrily and disappointed. Laura then got her stuff, then left. After two hours has passed, Nurse Joy came to them, "He's awake, you can go see him now" She told them, went into his room

When they entered, Spencer was awake, but still in pain, and still having a little trouble with his breathing. "Hey guys, what's up," Spencer said, as he started coughing. "The sky" Jordan joked, with everyone laughing. "How are you feeling baby?" Olivia asked as she kissed his cheek. Spencer told Grace about him and Olivia, and she supported them, although she is a little upset at what Olivia asked him to do, when she was driving them drunk, she knew that Olivia loves him very much, and she forgave her. "I'm feeling better, knowing that you are ok." Spencer said, with Olivia giving him a soft kiss on the lips. "Are you ok son?" Grace asked him, with him nodding, then looking back at Olivia. "Can you guys give me and Liv a moment, please?" Spencer asked and everyone, but Olivia left the room. "Are you ok Liv, I know that was a traumatic experience?" Spencer asked, and Olivia nodded, with tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry baby, if I would have let you go home, with dad, then none of this would have happened." Spencer shook his head and gave Olivia a soft kiss, "Baby we didn't know none of this would've happened besides, if we didn't ride together, we wouldn't have talked about our future marriage." Spencer said, with Olivia looking up at him. "You would still marry me, even with all of my flaws, so you know what you would be signing up for?" Olivia asked Spencer, and he nodded, "You may have a lot of flaws, but I also see a beautiful woman, with a bunch of positives, and someone who I love more than anyone else ever, and I will never change my mind about marrying you someday." Spencer said proudly, with Olivia giving him a soft smile, then she kissed him. "I Love you, my handsome chocolate man" Olivia said, with Spencer chuckling, "And I love you, my caramel queen" Spencer said, then they both leaned in for a kiss. Hours later Spencer fell asleep, and everyone left, except for Grace and Olivia. "Mrs. James why don't you go home, I will stay here to make sure he's ok, Dillion is probably worried sick," Olivia suggested and Grace nodded. "Ok baby, and thank you for being here with my son, I appreciate you for that." Grace said sincerely. "You're welcome, I wouldn't rather do anything else right now." Olivia said, with Grace walking over to her and hugging her, then left the hospital. Olivia got in bed with Spencer, laying her head on his chest, "I Love you baby" Olivia said, kissing his cheek. Spencer wrapped his arms around her, kissing her on her forehead, "I Love you too." Spencer said, with both of them falling asleep, cuddling each other.

Damn sorry for the late post, I almost broke my promise, anyways wtf is wrong with Laura with her punk ass, with her damn run over heels, anyways Spencer says he still want to marry Liv even with all of her flaws, he loves her so damn much, see you guys tomorrow for another post ❤️❤️❤️

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