Love Never Felt So Good

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Spencer woke up 3 hours later. He forgot what had happened before he went to sleep until he saw Olivia cuddled up next to him, with her head on his chest sleeping, while both of them are still naked. He kissed her on her forehead, and gently shook her, to wake her up because Billy was gonna be home in an hour. "Baby, it's time to get up, your pops will be home in an hour," Spencer said in a deep voice because he just woke up. "30 more minutes," Olivia said in an angelic voice. "No baby, trust me I want to, but your pops will be home soo-" Spencer got cut off with a passionate kiss from Olivia. "Please Babe I want to enjoy every second I can, please 30 more minutes?" Olivia asked, and Spencer couldn't resist. "Ok 30 more minutes, and then we have to get up ok?" Spencer said, getting comfortable again. "Ok I Love you," Olivia said kissing him softly. "I Love you too," Spencer said falling asleep once more. Spencer woke up 30 minutes later but decided to let Olivia sleep a little longer. He started to get out of the bed to put his clothes on, but Olivia tugged at his arm, "Where are you going, baby?" Olivia asked, wanting to cuddle with him some more. "I'm just gonna put some clothes on babe, I'll be back I promise." Olivia let go of his arm, "Ok hurry back." Spencer kissed her on her forehead and then went to the bathroom.

Spencer put on his clothes, then got a text from Billy. "Hey son I won't be home for another three hours, I got caught up in a meeting with these college scouts, just was letting you know, since Liv won't answer her phone, please tell her for me." Spencer thought of an idea since Billy was going to be home for a while. He thought of having a little date night with Olivia. To set up for the date night he ordered some Steak and Lobster tails, with a side of salad, some garlic toast, some asparagus, and potatoes. He also ordered some roses, "I guess I'm broke now, but I'd anything to make my girl happy" Spencer thought to himself. The food and roses arrived, and he went upstairs to wake up Olivia, "Baby go change, your pops won't be home for another three hours, and I got a surprise for you," Spencer said shaking her awake "Babe do I have to" Olivia asked tiredly. "Yes now get yo fine ass up," Spencer said picking her up and twirling her around, "Baby!" Olivia screamed. "You up now" Spencer joked knowing she was. "Yes now, what do you want?" Olivia asked, "Go get dressed, I have a surprise for you" Spencer said kissing her. "Oh really, I like surprises" Olivia said, kissing him back. "well take a shower, and get dressed" Spencer said, pulling away from the kiss. "Fine, you lucky I love you" Olivia said, "Well I love you too"

Olivia took a shower and got dressed. She went downstairs, to find dimmed-out lights, and hearing soft music playing in the background. Spencer was waiting for her at the bottom of the steps, "Babe, what are you doing?" Olivia asked. "Close your eyes," Spencer said. Olivia did what he said, and closed her eyes. Spencer guided her to the table, with the food and roses already set up. "You can open them now." Spencer said, with Olivia opening her eyes. Olivia's mouth dropped, and then she turned to Spencer, with her eyes starting to tear up. "Oh Spence, what is this?" Olivia asked hugging him tightly. "This is our first date night, since your pops won't be home for a while, I decided to buy some food, and roses, to show you how special you are to me." Spencer said happily. Olivia pulled away with tears starting to fall, "No one has done this for me before, thank you so much, babe." Olivia said giving him a soft kiss. "Don't thank me, you deserve it, for being the best girlfriend on this damn earth, you are generous, loving, caring, and you put up with me and my shit you deserve this and so much more, I love you so much." Spencer said, with Olivia giving him another kiss. "I Love you too." Olivia said, Spencer pulled out her chair, so she could sit down, then he sat down, so they could eat.

"Damn, I'm stuffed baby," Olivia said, with Spencer chuckling a little. "I guess that means you don't have room for dessert," Spencer said, smirking. "What's for dessert?" as soon as Olivia asked that question, the doorbell sounded, "I'll get it," Spencer said, and it was a delivery guy, who had some hot brownies and a tub of ice cream. "Wow baby, you really went all out for this date night huh?" Olivia asked, giving him a soft kiss." "I'll always go all out for my beautiful girlfriend," Spencer said while making her a bowl of brownies and ice cream. "Wait Spence, I just want to tell you, that I Love you so much, and I've never experienced the same amount of love given back to me, and I have to say it feels so good,  I just wanted to tell you that I love and appreciate you so damn much," Olivia said, making Spencer smile. "I Love and appreciate too baby," Spencer said, giving her a soft kiss, and handed her the bowl. They went over to the couch, and cuddled up with each other, eating their dessert, and also they were watching Rush Hour 2. "We could've been a good couple, we could've had something special, but you are one crazy-ass bitch" Spencer mocked Carter from the movie. "I love this movie so much, don't you babe.... babe" He looked down at her sleeping, with her head on his chest. He chuckled, before putting the blanket over both of them, "Goodnight baby, I love you" Spencer said, "I.....Love You....Too" Olivia said tiredly. Spencer kissed the top of her head, and he closed his eyes.

These two are just amazing, and my boy Spencer is very romantic, see you guys later on tonight for another post, and yes it will be two chapters today. ❤️❤️❤️

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