Better Dayz

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Once Spencer and Olivia left the restaurant, Olivia couldn't stop staring at the pendant of him and her, that he got her. "I can't believe you got this for me, I love you so much Spence, no one has ever given me a gift like this, thank you so much, baby." Olivia said, taking Spencer's hand, kissing it. "You don't have to thank me, you deserve that and so much more, you deserve the world baby." Spencer said.  Once they pulled up, Spencer helped Olivia out of the car and led her to the door of Billy's apartment, "Well tonight, was amazing." Olivia said, holding onto the pendant. "Yea it was, well I'll see you later, I love you." Spencer said leaning over to kiss Olivia. "I love you too." When Spencer tried to leave, Olivia tugged his arm, "Can you please stay, it's the weekend?" Olivia asked, with Spencer chuckling. "I would love to babe, but my mom....." Spencer trailed off. Olivia shook her head, then she gave him a passionate kiss. "Call her, and tell her that you are spending the night here, my dad's home so she would most likely say it's ok, please do it for me?" Olivia asked while giving him puppy dog eyes. Spencer couldn't resist and she knew it, "Ok, I'll call her." Spencer said, with Olivia giving him a soft kiss, then she stared deeply into his eyes. "Thank you." Olivia said, unlocking the door, with them both stepping inside. "Dad I'm home, and can Spencer stay the night?" Olivia asked, "Of course, he's family." Billy said tiredly from upstairs. "Imma go give Moms a call, to let her know I'm staying the night." Spencer said, with Olivia nodding. Spencer went into the kitchen to call Grace, "Hey son, how's the date, did Olivia like the gift?" Grace asked after she picked up the phone. "Yea she loved it Ma, you should've seen the look on her face when she opened the box, it was priceless, seeing her shocked, then seeing her beautiful smile, it was amazing Ma." Spencer said proudly, with Grace giggling on the other end. "I knew she would, that was a very thoughtful gift son." Grace said. "Thank you, but can I stay with Olivia and Coach Baker tonight, she wanted me to stay?" Spencer asked, with Grace smiling on the other end. "Of course son, stay safe, I love you." Grace said, "I love you too." They both hung the phone up, once he turned around, Olivia was standing right there, with a huge grin on her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him with so much passion. They pulled away, staring into each other's eyes deeply. "Do you wanna watch a movie, and cuddle, my dad is asleep, I just checked." Olivia asked. "Whatever you wanna do babe, it's your night tonight." Spencer said with Olivia giggling. They went back into the living room, he tried to go to the couch, with Olivia stopping him, "Not there handsome, in my bed." Olivia said, she held her hand out, with him taking it. once they got in the bedroom, they kicked off their shoes and took off their date clothes, then got in bed, "Good night babe I love you." Olivia said, giving him a soft kiss, then she rested her head on his chest. "I love you too," Spencer said, then they both closed their eyes.

It was 5 in the morning, Spelivia was still sleeping, cuddling each other. Spencer's phone started to ring, and he slowly woke up, then picked it up to see Coop calling. He answered, "Hey Spence, been a while, can you come to the park, I know it's early as hell, but I want to talk." Coop said sincerely. "Aight I'm on the way." Spencer said, then he ended the call. He slowly got out of bed carefully, he didn't want to wake Olivia up. Once he was out of the bed, he leaned to kiss Olivia on the forehead, "I'll be back baby." Spencer whispered. then went to the car, because he had some clothes in the trunk. Once he got the clothes, he went back inside, to get dressed, then he got in the car to go meet up with Coop. Once he was at the park, he saw Coop sitting with an old man on the bench. He made his way up to her, with Coop spotting him. "Hey, Spence..." She trailed off. "Hey Coop, you wanted to see me? Spencer asked, with Coop nodding. "Yea, but first, this is my homie, Curtis." Coop said, referring to the old man on the bench. "Hey how you doing, my name is Spencer." Spencer said, holding his hand out, for a handshake respectfully. "Well I know that shit, I just heard, Coop say yo damn name, and you look like a broke-ass Michael B Jordan, but what's up young buck." Curtis said, dapping up Spencer, confusing him. "Ummm.." Spencer trailed off, "Oh shit that ain't good, when a young brotha says Ummm that means they thinking of something, what you thinking bout man?" Curtis asked, "Oh nothing, I just didn't think you used slang." Spencer said, "Boy don't you know I've been in this game for 62 years, I know how to talk, but Coop I gotta get back home to my granddaughter.'" Curtis said seriously. "Oh yea, Nicole, how's she doing man?" Coop asked. "She's doing better, ever since that nappy head ass boy  broke up with her, she's been depressed, buts she's doing better, she's attending South Crenshaw now." Curtis said. "Ok that's good, tell her to keep her head up." Coop said. "Will do, and Spencer, I know I joke around a lot, as you can see, but I know you play Football, and I want to tell you to Play for a cause, not for applause on the field, and off Live life to express not to impress." Curtis said, giving Spencer some great advice. "I will Mr. Curtis." Spencer said, with Curtis saying goodbye, then he left. "Where you meet him?" Spencer asked Coop. "At the coffee shop, but I called you because I missed my best friend." Coop admitted. "I wanted to put our beef behind us because the truth is I need you man, and I missed the better days, where we would just be real with each other, help each other, and stand up for each other. I want to go back to them better days and I hope you feel the same way Spence." Coop said, with Spencer nodding. "I missed you too Coop." Spencer said, then they got up, and hugged each other tightly.

Spencer was in the car, and he wanted to buy Olivia some breakfast. He called in an order, for pancakes, bacon, eggs, and french toast with orange juice. It took about twenty minutes, and once it was ready, Spencer went to go pick it up. He got to Billy's apartment with the breakfast, he set the table up for her, then went upstairs to wake her up. "Baby, I got you some breakfast ready, it's downstairs," Spencer said, gently shaking Olivia. "Good... Morning." Olivia said waking up, yawning. Spencer chuckled, "Good morning, I bought you some breakfast, it's downstairs." Spencer said smiling. Olivia got out of bed, putting on some shorts, a T-shirt, and her new pendant, then she faced Spencer, putting her arms around his neck, giving him a passionate kiss. "What was that for?" Spencer asked, with Olivia staring into his eyes. "Just for being you, being the best boyfriend ever, and for always thinking about me I mean you got me this gorgeous pendant yesterday, then paid for our dinner, and now you got me breakfast. You always think of me, reassuring me that I'm never alone, and I love you so much." Olivia said, "I love you too baby, you are my world, without you, I don't know if I would be able to live." Spencer said, then they both leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Sorry for the late ass chapter and if you guys are sleep I'm sorry but my brain literally couldn't work in what I wanted to write for this chapter, but I got it done, and do you guys like the new character Curtis the funny old head who is also very wise, and just a heads up he's gonna be a great character and he's not going against Spencer and Olivia or the other character's we love, and we will meet his granddaughter Nicole really soon, Spencer and Coop made up I hope this happens on the show, and Spelivia are doing great as always, and don't we all miss the better dayz, anyways as always, see you guys later for another chapter 🦋💎❤️

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