Gangsta Revenge

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Franklin and Preach were at the location, waiting on Curtis to come. "Man where the fuck is this old ass man?" Franklin asked, with Preach shaking his head. "I don't know, but he volunteered to come, so he better hurry the hell up." As soon as Preach said that, Curtis pulls up. "Why were you taking so damn long?" Franklin asked. "You will always be impatient, damn I was with one of my honeys, see unlike you two old asses, I have some ladies who want to have me, but they can't have me, but that doesn't matter, so is this the location?" Curtis asked, pulling out three silenced submachine guns from the trunk. "Yea this is it, she gonna pay for trying to take out Coop, she's like a daughter to me." Preach said, with tears welling up in his eyes. Franklin started rubbing Preach's back, "She messed with family, and nobody messes with family, we're gonna take this bitch down." Franklin said, with Curtis nodding. They all put on masks, and gloves, then they went inside of the warehouse.

Spencer and Olivia were sleeping at the hospital when Spencer started having a nightmare. "It's your fault, that I got shot!" Coop told Spencer. "I know Coop, I'm sorry." He told her. "I got shot, and all you got to say to me is that you're sorry, fuck you." "Spencer!" Olivia said, trying to wake him up. "You should've saved me!" Coop told him. Tears were welled up in Spencer's eyes, "Baby, wake up!" Olivia said, raising her voice. Spencer finally woke up, with tears welled up in his eyes. "Coop blames me I knew it was my fau-" Before Spencer could finish his statement, Olivia placed her hand on his cheek, making him look at her. "Baby, it was just a nightmare, Coop doesn't blame you." She told him, then she leaned in to give him a passionate kiss. Spencer kept blaming himself, but Olivia made him feel better, with just her presence. "So babe, what are we wearing to prom?" Olivia asked grinning. Spencer finally smiled, after being so down because he was blaming himself. "I don't care what you wear, you'll look beautiful in anything." Spencer told her, with Olivia giggling. "So.... just surprise you?" Spencer nodded. "Well at least tell me a color so we can match." "How about Royal blue?" Spencer suggested, with Olivia grinning. "That's perfect baby." Olivia said, then she kissed him again. "Thank you, for staying with me baby, without you, I don't know what I could do, I love you." Spencer told her, with Olivia nodding. "I love you too." She told him, then they both leaned in for a kiss.

Once they were inside, they started shooting down the cameras, once they were done, they were standing in the center of the warehouse. "Moe, where the fuck are you?!" Preach yelled out. Three men, in masks, came out and started shooting. Franklin, Preach, and Curtis all took cover without being hit. "I'm getting too old for this bullshit." Curtis said. "No backing out now." Franklin said, then got out of his cover, then shot the three men in quick succession. "Damn, you're still that shooter I remember." Curtis said, with him and preach getting out of their cover. "I was wondering when you would show up Preach." Someone said, from behind them. All three turned around to see Moe, holding up a gun, then she shot Preach in the shoulder. "Shit!" Preach said, holding onto his shoulder. "How did you know it was me?" Preach asked, holding onto his shoulder. "I knew because you're always trying to protect Tamia, and I knew that once you failed at protecting her, that you would seek revenge, and looks like I was right, and is that you Franklin?" Moe asked. Franklin shot her in her chest, then took off his mask. "Who the fuck, do you think it is." Franklin said standing over her. "I don't care if I die, I got my revenge, and I will find peace." Moe said gasping for air. "Just shut the fuck up." Franklin said, then he shot her in the head, killing her. "Damn, you are ruthless." Curtis said. "You alright Preach, she got you good." Franklin said, looking at his shoulder. "Yea, it ain't first bullet wound." He told him, then he wrapped the wound up, with some bandages that were on the ground. "Let's get out of here." As soon as Curtis said that, someone came out of the corner, and shot Curtis in the stomach. Franklin quickly shot the person, and then he and Preach ran over to Curtis. "Shit aight man we gonna get you to the hospital!" Franklin told him, with Curtis shaking his head. "Tell my.... grandaughter that I.... love..... her." Curtis said weakly. "Don't say that man, you're gonna make it, Preach help me get him in the car." Franklin said, then they both picked him up carefully. They got him in the car, then they rushed to the hospital.

Once they got there, he was rushed into surgery, he was in surgery for about 2 hours, they successfully removed the bullet, and stitched the wound. Preach, Franklin, Spelivia, and Nicole were in Curtis's room, watching him sleep. Nurse Joy came in, "His vitals are stable, he's going to make it." She told them. "Thank god, I didn't know if he would make it, when... I got here, it... looked... bad!" Nicole said, getting choked up. Olivia hugged her tightly, with Spencer rubbing her back. Franklin and Preach both went outside to talk. "I'm glad he's going to make it, I don't know what Nicole would do without him, he's all she's got left." Preach said, with Franklin nodding. "Poor kid, to have to go through so much at such a young age, you know her parents died in a car crash when she was 5." Preach told him. "I need to tell you something, the crash wasn't an accident, it was a murder." Franklin said, with Preach taking a step back. "Murder how do you know?" Preach asked. "Curtis told me." Franklin admitted. "But why were they murdered?" Preach asked. "Remember how Curtis told us that they borrowed his car because their's was in the car shop?" Franklin asked, and Preach nodded. "Earlier that day, Curtis got in a fight with a gang leader, and he whooped his ass, so they wanted revenge, and they followed him home, but before they could kill him, Nicole's parents showed up. They saw them get in his car and left, and the gang members thought the best thing was to actually take two people he loves dearly instead of killing him. So they followed them and shot out their tires, and they flipped the car over, breaking their necks, killing them instantly." Franklin told him. "Damn, does Nicole know?" Preach asked, and Franklin shook his head. "No and Curtis want to keep it that way." Franklin said. Preach sighed, "If she finds out, then she might never forgive him for lying to her about her parent's death." Preach said, with Franklin agreeing.

Moe is dead finally I hope they kill her in the show, but Curtis lied to Nicole about how her parents died, if she ever finds out that's not gonna be pretty, but on lighter news, Spelivia are still growing strong and apparently they are gonna wear royal blue to the prom u can't wait to write the prom chapter, two chapters today so see you guys later for another chapter ❤️💜💛

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