Until The End Of The Road

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Spelivia was in bed cuddling when Olivia woke up. She started to remember what happened the day before, with her and Billy. She then started to cry, because she just wants to be there for him, but he pushed her away. Spencer woke up to the sound of her crying. "Baby. what's wrong?" Spencer asked concerned. Olivia then turned to him, hugging him tightly. "Don't let me go, baby!" Olivia whined into his chest, with Spencer holding her close. She pulled away, staring deeply into his eyes, with tears still falling from her eyes. She slowly leaned in, kissing him passionately. Spencer hesitated to kiss her back because he knew she was hurt by what happened between her and her dad. She knew he was hesitant to kiss her back, so she kissed him with even more passion, adding tongue into the kiss. Spencer was still a little hesitant, so Olivia pulled back, to stare deeply into his eyes. "Baby, it's ok..... kiss me." Olivia said, then leaned in again to kiss him with all of the passion that she has. Spencer finally kissed back. Once they pulled away, they laid back down, with Olivia laying her head on his chest. "Thank you for being here with me baby, I need you right now, I love you so much." Olivia said, with teardrops still falling from her eyes. "I love you too, and I'll never leave your side, I'm here until the of the road because you are my life, I will never leave you Liv." Spencer said, then he looked down at his chest, to see Olivia fas asleep. He kissed her forehead, "Goodnight baby." Spencer said, then he went to sleep.

Spencer woke up at 10 AM, and he was setting up a special day with him and Olivia to cheer her up, just like she did when he was down about Coop getting shot. He was setting up for about an hour, getting reservations set up and everything. He went into the bedroom, seeing Olivia still sleep. "Baby, wake up." Spencer said, shaking her awake. "Hmmm" Olivia said, tiredly. "Wake up, I have a special day for us, so go take a shower, so we can get ready." Spencer said. "Five more minutes." Olivia said, Spencer shook his head, then picked her up bridal style, then spun her around. "Baby!" Olivia screamed, then Spencer sat her down on her feet. "Come on baby,  go get ready I told you I have a special day planned for us." Spencer said, giving her a soft kiss. "Fine, you lucky I love you." Olivia said. "Of course you do." Spencer joked, with Olivia softly hitting his arm, then walking into the bathroom to take a shower. While in the shower, she started breaking down, because she started thinking about Billy. What could be wrong that he won't tell her about? She finally got done taking a shower, then she put on some clothes. She stepped out of the bedroom, looking for Spencer, but she couldn't find him anywhere. She stepped outside to see him sitting on the dock. She walked up to him, seeing that he was holding his phone that had a picture of him and Billy on the screen. She could also see that he had tears welled up in his eyes. Spencer looked back and saw her, he quickly wiped away his tears and turned off his phone. She walked around, to sit on his lap. "Baby, are you ok?" Olivia asked, with Spencer nodding. "Yea, I'm ok, you ready to go?" Spencer asked, Olivia knew that he was lying, he knew that he was hurting about what could be wrong with Billy as well. "Yeah, let's go." Olivia said, then they both got in the car, to drive to the first location.

They arrived at a Spa and Pedicure parlor. "We're here." Spencer said, getting out of the car to walk to Olivia's side. He opened the door for her. "So, this is our first stop?" Olivia asked. "Yea, I figured that we could use a pedicure, plus your feet are a little crusty." Spencer joked, with Olivia hitting his arm. "Shut up, no they're not." Olivia said, wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a soft kiss. "I love you." Olivia said. "I love you too, now let's get your feet done because they're still crusty, you need some lotion." Spencer joke again, with Olivia laughing. "No they are not, but I could use a good pedicure." She admitted. Once they were finished, Spencer paid for everything, then they walked back to the car, hand in hand. "Thank you for this baby, so where are we off to next." She asked. "It's a surprise." Spencer said, repeating the words that Olivia said when she planned their couple's day. "Oh ok, a little deja vu." Olivia joked, with Spencer nodding, then he drove off to the next location.

Spencer had taken them all over LA. They went hiking, to universal studios, and the beach, they were now at dinner. "This is so good baby." Olivia said, referring to the food. "I'm glad you're enjoying it." Spencer said. "Are you sure that you're not hungry?" Olivia asked concerned because Spencer didn't get anything to eat, he wasn't really hungry, as long as Olivia was eating something after their long day, he was good. "No I'm fine bay, thank you though." Spencer said genuinely. Once Olivia got through eating, Spencer paid for everything. "Thank you, baby." Olivia said as they were walking out of the restaurant. "No problem, and it must've been good, because you ate that food pretty quick." Spencer joked, with Olivia shaking her head, getting in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "No, I mean for today in general, I needed it." Olivia said, then she leaned in to give him a passionate kiss. "You're welcome baby, you were so upset, that I needed to cheer you up, I'm glad to see that you're happier." Spencer said. "Yeah, but how are you doing?" "What do you mean?" Spencer asked. "Before we left, you were holding a picture with you and my dad, and you spent all day cheering me up, I hope you cheered yourself up as well." Olivia said, with Spencer sighing. Deep down inside, he was hunting to not know what was wrong with Billy, but he wanted to try and be strong for Olivia, but she could see right through him. "I'm fine baby." He lied, and Olivia knew it. "No you're not, you're hurting too Spence, and it's ok to be hurt, he needs to tell us what's wrong, so we can be there for him, but he's being stubborn, just like you're being stubborn right now, by trying to hide your true feelings from me, when you know damn well, that I know you better than anyone else." Olivia said, with tears welled up in his eyes. "It hurts, I just want to be there for him, what if he's dying Liv, and he just died, without us know what was wrong, I can't get that out of my head." Spencer said, with a few tears falling from both of their eyes. "I know baby, and we have to be there for him still, even though he probably won't let us, but I don't care. So I decided to move back in with him, so I can be there for him, he needs his family, but you can't beat yourself up because you don't know what's wrong, he won't tell us what's wrong, and that's not our fault, so stop beating yourself up, baby." Olivia said, then she gave him a passionate kiss, with Spencer kissing her back. They pulled away, "I don't know what I would do without you baby, I love you so much." Olivia said, with her forehead resting on his. "I love you too." Spencer said, then they leaned in for another kiss.

I Hope Billy tells them soon, they both are hurting, happy AA day 💛💛💛, we better get a kiss today or something 🤣🤣🤣,I'm sorry for not posting yesterday but I was so damn tired, anyways see you guys later for another chapter 🦋💛🤞🏾

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