03. That's not me

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"Come on! We still have time for breakfast." Tay said as he dragged New to the kitchen.

"Wait! I'm fine. I have to go now."



Looking at New who was looking everywhere to find an answered, Tay once again gripped his wrist and bring him to the kitchen.

He asked New to sit on the dining table. Then, he walked towards the cupboard and the refrigerator to see what could he cook for their breakfast. "I only have eggs, bread, and cereal. Are you okay with that?"

"Y-Yeah. But..."


"Nothing." New scratched the back of his head in embarrassed.

"What is it?"

"It's..." New bite his lips hard. "Can I have that one slice of a cake instead?"

Tay blinked his eyes like his mind tried to process something or maybe his brain having a circuit to transmit the information he just received.

"Oh! Cake!" He said as he clapped his hands. He opened the fridge again and took out the half-cake of Oreo Cheesecake. "My cousin bake this days ago. But, I don't like sweet that's why it leave untouched."

He put the cake on the table and gave New a spoon. "You like sweet?"

"Very much." New said smiling and was ready to put a spoonful into his mouth but Tay stopped him suddenly. "But, you should eat something before eat this sweet."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." New said smiling again and then put it into his mouth.

"Why are you smiling?" New asked.

"Nothing. I'm just happy to know something new about my boyfriend."

"B-Boyfriend?" New almost choked.

"Don't say..." Tay didn't continue his sentenced. His happy looked vanished and replaced by a pain looked. "So, it's like that." He said slowly with a smile but couldn't hide his disappointment and pained.

"Tay... I... I'm sorry, but..." New looked at him apologetic for making him misunderstood.

"Last night, you kiss me first. Then, we have sex and then sleep together. You let me hugging you sleep and once we wake up, we cuddle on the bed. We just have a shower together and now I was about to cook for you. But...all of that means nothing to you, right?"

"I'm sorry Tay. Maybe, I should go now." New immediately stood up and left the cake, walked out from Tay's condo.


New arrived at the luxury mansion and the bodyguards greeted him.

"Where have you been, New?" A man around his 50 asked once he saw the said name walked passed by him.

New waii at the man. "Just hanging out...here and there."

"I know you have a hot passion night..." Said the man when he saw the hickeys on New's pale white neck. "...but at least can you inform your men where have you been? They are worrying about you when you didn't come home last night."

"I will not repeat that again, boss."

"It's uncle for you, New."

New let out a sighed. He waii at the man again before excused himself went to his bedroom.

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