12. That's not me (Part 2)🔞

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(Author's notes: Just a little short one. 🔞 Don't expect much)


New had totally forgotten why he came to Tay's condo at the first place. He didn't remember what he had said to his men how he would made Tay suffer. He didn't remember the real reason he wanted to approach Tay at the first place. And surely didn't remember that he was a leader of a gangster and he surely...or definitely...forgot that he shouldn't have fall in love with Tay.

He just remembered how much he miss and longing for Tay even though their fight not even last for 24 hours, not even last for 3 hours since he walked out from Tay's condo.

He just miss the man who was now ravishing his neck and tardily tickling the skin while Tay's private part trusting his hole.

Thought both of them were unconscious by the lust, they still aware what the hell they were doing.

According to New, it was so freaking hurts to do it on the mahogany table like his body would break apart into two. Why not? They've done it for third round...maybe? 🤔 (Author don't really know how many rounds they have did but maybe we should ask Polca The Lucky Kitten since she was the only witness of TayNew's love making) 😆

"Te...ahh...T-Tay...argg!" New moan then he lost his words again, forgetting what he had in mind to say just moments ago.

It was not his entirely fault when his boyfriend's mouth gave a sudden warm and wet feeling around his leaking member. Tay's tongue work really well; sucking soft and hard and tracing along his pucker vein with the tip.

New closed his eyes tight, although his tears wetting the table, he still moaning for Tay's name and begging for more.

Then, he felt something tickles his cheek and when he opened his eyes, Polca was looking at him with the looked she always show when she wanted a cuddle.

"Hmm, P-Polca...aaah...Polca...urgh...T-Te.." New tried to shove Polca away but couldn't help but to moan at the same time by the pleasure Tay gave.

Tay who heard the kitten's name coming out from New's mouth suddenly stopped his action. For a moment, New felt lose and his hole felt empty.

No wonder New was calling for Polca, because the kitten right now was rubbing her head towards New's neck making New felt ticklish. And Tay didn't like that. Because in his eyes, she looked like trying to wash the hickeys Tay made on New's pale white neck by rubbing her furs towards the marks.

"Hey! Stop Polca! He is mine! Go away!" Tay said being a possessive as usual. He picked up the kitten and put her down on the floor.

"Taaay~ Let's continue on the bed~ My back is freaking hurts lying on this hard surface~ Pleaseee~"

Tay agreed to New's plead. He lift New up like a bridal style and walked to the bedroom.

The kitten still followed them but too bad, Tay shove her away with his leg before he closed the bedroom door.

Polca just sat sadly in front of the door and could only listen to their moans.

When Tay put New down on the bed, New spread his legs and that hungry looking man was staring at him like New was the most delicious food that ever exist on earth.

Both were looking at each other, speaking through the eyes, kept staring each other meaningfully.

"I love you Hin." Tay said before he covered New with his body and trusted a finger into New's wet hole.

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