07. Not a threat, but a promise

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The pungent smell of disinfect invaded the nostrils. Only Pluem's heavy breathe and the beeping sound from the machine could be heard.

"New, he will be fine." Tay said while caressing New's back to calm him.

"You can go back, Tay. I'm going to stay with Pluem tonight."

"Are you sure?"

New only nodded.

"Then, I will come again tomorrow." Tay said and gave a kiss on top of New's head.

Actually, he didn't want to leave New alone. But, the beautiful man kept insist him to go, like almost chasing him away. So, Tay doesn't have any choice but to do as he said.

When Tay came out from the room, there were 2 men waiting in front of the door or more like guarding the place.

"May I know who are you?" Tay asked.

"We are Sir Pluem's bodyguards." One of them said.

"Bodyguards?" Tay furrow his eyebrows.

If New and Pluem were brothers, that's means New was not a poor man like what Off had told him. Pluem not only got to stay inside VIP room but he got 2 bodyguards to take care of him too.

"Have you already report this to police? The boy almost got kill." Tay said.

Pluem got stab in the stomach and got bruised all over his body. Thankfully the stab didn't hit his important organs. His condition already stable now but New would not feel calm not until Pluem open his eyes.

"We already did sir. It's a robbery."

Tay nodded his head understood. "And may I know your name?"

The two bodyguards looked at each other.

"My name is Nanon."

"And I'm Arm."

"My name is Tay. I'm New's..." Tay halted his words for a moment before he continued. "...just someone important to him. Please take care of New too."

"We will sir."

Tay excused himself after that.

Then, the two bodyguards looked at each other with a meaningful stared. "That's him right? The one that P'New want to get close to?"

"Look like they already close to each other." Arm said. "Too close."

"Well, it's P'New we are talking about."

Then, both of them came inside the room to meet New.

"What exactly happen to Pluem?" New turned to look at his men.

"We're sorry King. But, we got no info about the incident."

"We have to wait for Pluem to wake up to know what really happen." Arm continued.

"No one report this to police, right?" New asked to make sure.

"No King. No police involve." Arm said.

"Good. Make sure you take care of this. If something bad happen to him again, both of you will not see the lights anymore." New stood up and stared at Nanon and Arm like his eyes was a dagger that ready to get pierce towards their body.

"We will King." Nanon and Arm said in unison towards their leader.


-The next day-

Tay's POV

After a hard day's work, finally I could go back home. Today was such a long tired day; being scold by an annoying boss because I lost my police ID, got headache because received a childish report from the new recruits, too many cases report filed up, and why there were so many criminals in this country?!!!

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