09. Possessive Jealous BF

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Newwiee always loves clubbing...

Tay Tawan isn't in love with clubbing as much as Newwiee, but he still enjoy clubbing when he felt wanted to dance or feel tipsy to get drunk.

But, Newwiee hate clubbing when there was Tay Tawan.


Because Tay was such a possessive boyfriend. He even asked Newwiee to stop being a strip dancer at Off's bar which New doesn't have any choice but to do as he said.

"I can't believe you drag me into this club!" New asked with a killer stared to Tay.

"Oh come on! What's wrong with this club? We haven't meet for a week because I'm so busy with my works, then let's just enjoy the night! Newwiee, come on! I wanna dance with you." A certain old man who looked like Tay Tawan pouted like a 5 years old boy.

Not letting New to give his answer, Tay already dragged New to the dance floor.

"You will know why I hate clubbing when he is around!" New scream in his mind with Tay who still dragged him.

1 minute later... On the dance floor...

"Hin! Don't get too close with other people! Come closer! Aissh! Why there's so many people here!" Tay shrieked to New.

"It's a club you moron!" New rolled his eyes but his words was left unheard by the moron guy. Before he knew, Tay already wrapped his arm to New's waist and pulled his body closer until their torso met.

3 minutes later... Still, on the dance floor...

"Ai'Hin! Stop moving and dancing so freely! You attract everyone's attentions!" Tay yelled again but his voice was nothing compared to the loud crazy beat.

New sway his hips and yes, everyone - young girls and young boys, women and men were looking at him like a hungry lion.

But, once again, Tay pulled New's wrist to stand closer to him. He was not aware since when or how New able to escape from his arms.

"It's a dance floor you moron! Do you expect me to stand still like a statue?!" New glared at Tay before he started danced like there was no tomorrow.

5 minutes later... Oh yea, still on the dance floor...

"Hin! Come back here!" Tay yelled again once New succeed freeing himself from Tay's caged.

New was dancing with a group of handsome mens in suit who now surrounded New like a hungry pack of wolf.

"No no no! Don't touch him! He is mine!" Tay shoved the men away and pulled New with him.

Everyone were too scared to steal New from Tay who currently glaring at each of them. Tay refused to let go of New no matter how hard New tried to be free.

"Tay... I warn you... If you don't want me to dance, let's just go back!"

"You can dance but dance with me!"

"You're embarrassing me like hell! Where the hell did you learn that dance?!" New finally let out his thought.

He got second hand embarrassment just by dancing with Tay. It was a free dance style, but Tay's movement were so outdated and like a robot. So different from Newwiee who could gather lots of attention just by swaying his hips.

10 minutes later... Still on the freaking dance floor!

Tay gritted his teeth, he was freaking jealous and angry. New is his boyfriend, right? But, why New still flirting with the other men even though Tay just stepped away from him?

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