10. Meeting parents

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Looking at Tay and New back and forth who still froze on their spotted, Off made his way to the sofa at the living room.

"I think...you better put some clothes on peng. Or New, maybe you can give him back his boxer." Off giggled teasingly.

Then, the door bell rang again, and this time it was the delivery man.

Tay went to the bedroom to wear his clothes meanwhile New places the food he order on the table.

"Care to explain?" Off finally asked once Tay and New sat in front him like students waited for their punishments; head down and hands on their thighs.

The words from Off made both Tay and New tensed up. They looked at each other asking for help.


"We're dating..." Tay said.

"You mean...you two are in relationship? Like a couple? Boyfriend and...boyfriend?"

Both Tay and New nodded their head before looking down on the floor again like it was the most interesting to see right now.

"So, tell me New, you quit your job because this alien here ask you to?" Off crossed his arms on his chest.

New glanced at Tay before he looked up at Off. Then, he nodded.

"I know it!" Off glared at Tay.

"I don't want anyone to droll at my boyfriend!" Tay said emphasis the word 'boyfriend' while pointing his finger to New.

"Well... Let me tell you New, you will only have a hard time taking care of this alien because of his clumsiness. You should break up with him and date me instead." Off winked at New. But, soon, Tay's towel landed on Off's head.

"Dream on." Tay glared.

"I'm sorry P'Off. We never have any intention to keep it secret from you." New said apologetic.

"I'm still angry. I lost my customers once they found out you quit your job, New." Off said sadly.

"What can we do so you stop being mad at us?" Now, Tay asked Off with the same apologetic expression as New.

Off smiled widely, the stupid grinned of him made both Tay and New looked at each other in question.

"I will stop getting mad, if...you two tell me...how's your first time doing sex together? How was it? What's position did you do? Who's top and bottom? How many rounds you do it? Are you wearing condom? Are you using finger or do it in a rough way? What lube flavor you use? Is your partner good at bed and-- wait, why did you stand up? Aaaw! Peng! Why are you dragging me? Ouch! Ai'Peng! Let me go! Are you seriously kick me out?! Peng!"

"WHAT A PERVERT OLD MAN!" Tay closed the door after kicked Off out from his condo.

"Aww.. Why he is so shy? Ai'peng! My shoes is still --"

*door open*

*Tay threw Off's shoes*

*door close*

"My peng is blushing so hard. He must be the one in the bottom." Off smirked before he walked away, already forgot why he came to Tay's condo first thing in the morning. 😅


"Can you go to somewhere with me this Sunday?"

That was all what New asked since week ago. And now they were already in Tay's car; New driving and Tay sat quietly on the passenger seat beside him.

What's up, gang? [TayNew] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now