06. Put your enemy closer

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The leader-New, was sitting on a chair with crossed legs while sipping a glass of wine and dart in another hand. He was throwing the darts at the picture of Tay; one dart above the heart, another one on the forehead, one at neck, and one split the eyes. Looked like it was difficult for him to choose which part to shoot him when they met again.

"Name, Tawan Vihokratana, 1991. He is living alone after his parents passed away. His mom died because of cancer and his dad got kill...by us. He is not an ordinary policeman but a special force agent. He kill a hostage by mistake which caused him to put off field and has to train the new recruits for a while." New said once again what his man just told him.

Then, he suddenly stood up from his seat. "Where are you going, P'New?" Pluem asked.

"To make a friend." New smiled mischievously.

Well, his smile told that - "I destroy my enemy when I make them my friend."


"Aww! It's raining!" Tay groaned in annoyance as he stepped out from the grocery market. Luckily, he brought an umbrella but with his hands full with grocery bags, made him no choice but to work out a bit. Thanks God the market just blocks away from his condo.

He started walking down the street while whistling. When he passed by the park, his eyes caught a familiar silhouette. The man was squatting down under the lamp post.

He immediately walked to the man.

"New? What are you doing here?" The said name looked up to Tay and then he smiled innocently.

"I'm just protecting this kitten from cold. I don't want her to get sick." New said and showed the kitten that he put inside his hoodie.

Tay melt by the kitten's cuteness and also by New

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Tay melt by the kitten's cuteness and also by New.

"Well, I'm sure this cute little kitten doesn't want you to get sick too." Tay said.

New stood up and closed the distanced between Tay and himself, so both were under the umbrella right now. For a moment, Tay's heart skip a beat when New came closer to him. He could felt the warmness from New's body or was it because he was blushing by himself?

"Now, both of us will not get sick because we have you." New smiling until his eyes disappeared into a thin line.

Tay was struck by New's beauty. The man was so attractive; physically beautiful man who has well-defined muscles, nice hair style, fair white skin, and very attractive face.

"So? What are you going to do with the kitten?"

"I don't know. I can't bring her with me since people at my house are allergic to animal's fur."

"I thought you live alone."

"Are you really searching for my background?"

"No... I'm not! Off said you always bring your one night stand to your home."

What's up, gang? [TayNew] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now