19. We were always meant to say good-bye

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"You're hurting...and I'm sorry...that I can't fulfill my promise to always take your pain away." Tay said to New with an apologetic smiled in his face, and a bead of tear started wetting his cheek.

Meanwhile, New looked at him confused. Why Tay didn't get mad at him? And...what did he apologized for?

They were looking at each other eyes before Tay shut his eyes tightly and a flood of tears stream down to his cheeks like water from a dam.

New raised his arm and aim the gun towards Tay.

He pulled the trigger and ready to shot Tay

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He pulled the trigger and ready to shot Tay. But suddenly, his stomach clenched in pain. He made a sick noise in his throat.


"SHIT!" New's uncle cursed out loud because the bullet almost hit his feet. He glared at New because New shot the floor instead of shooting Tay.

The gun fell from New's hand as his hands went to cover his mouth; he choked, shut his eyes, bent, and a thick rush of fluid filled his mouth. Too late to do anything, he vomit on the spot.

Everyone in the room were looking at him confused, except Tay who was looking at him with face full of worried. Tay got on his feet - wanted to go to New, but halted when saw New's uncle pointed the gun towards him.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO WASTE MY TIME?!" New's uncle barked at him angrily. But, New doesn't look like he was acting. His face looked so pale and a cold sweat dripped down from his forehead. He was definitely in pain.

"FINE! I WILL JUST KILL HIM MYSELF!" He yelled as he pulled the trigger.

For Tay, it was useless to dodge his destiny, so he just shut his eyes tightly until he heard a gunshot echoed around the place.


However, Tay didn't feel hurt at all. Nothing. Instead, he felt some dropped of liquid splashing onto his face and it smelt so disgusting. He opened his eyes when heard a gasped of shocked and a panicked yelled from everyone. And his eyes widened by the sight in front him now.

The liquid in his face was actually blood, and the gunshot he heard was not for him but meant to kill New's uncle. The bullet punched it's way directed through the back of New's uncle head, a gaping hole in his forehead woke that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. The man slowly fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him and choked to death.

As everyone were frozen by what they just saw, another gunshot filled up the air and once again killed one of the gang. Looked like it was coming from outside of the building and the shooter was in a higher place; shooting them with a sniper rifle. The mirror shattered and once again one man went down.

The situations became so chaotic as everyone were running to find place to hide since they never knew where the next bullets would be coming from.

What's up, gang? [TayNew] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now