05. Two different worlds

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"Why can't you love me, Newwiee?" Tay asked once again as he cupped New's cheek.

"You can't just force someone to love you, Tay." New said and released himself from Tay's gripped.

"But, I can feel that you love me too! You can't lie to your own feeling!"

"Are you a witch who can read people's mind and heart?" New asked sarcastic as he stood up from the couch. "You don't know me and I don't know you. How can you fall in love with someone you just meet?" New shook his head in disbelief.

"I still like you, Newwiee."

'I can't believe this man! Is he from outer space?!' New yelled frustrated in his mind.

"If the only reason why you can't love me because we're strangers, then let's get to know each other." Tay pushed his luck and New just rolled his eyes.

"No, thanks." New waved his hand as rejection.


"I have my own reasons."

"No matter what, I'm going to make you mine." Tay said seriously and New felt his heart skipped a beat once heard that and stared at the determination in Tay's eyes.

Tay closed their distanced and New tried to stop him but his arms left midair when his eyes caught something at the pocket jacket; the half showing of a black wallet with a word D.S.I.

Even though he only seen half of the wallet, he was not stupid not to recognize that thing.

"You..." He stared at Tay in anger.

"I love you, Newwiee. I really do. I never feel this feeling before with anyone, but when I see you... I want to spend every seconds of my life with you. All I ask is please give me a chance to prove my love. Don't push or avoid me." Tay said as he was begging.

New didn't believe him. Not even a single words he just uttered.

But, he smiles seductively to Tay as he wrapped his arms around Tay's neck and gave a butterfly kiss to his neck and adam apple. He bite him slightly and Tay let out a moan when New gave a wet lick to the red mark.

Tay tried to fight to be a dominance but New didn't let him. Tay was too high in ecstacy when New touch sensually his lower region until it woke up his junior.

New pushed him on the couch before got on top of him and started to be a wild cat; caressing Tay everywhere and deepened the kiss.

Tay expected something more when New suddenly got down to his lower part. But, since he closed his eyes because of the pleasure, he didn't see that New bend down only to steal something from the jacket.

New smirked as he distanced himself from Tay. "Let's get to know each other." He said and Tay opened his eyes.

"And let's see if you can make me fall for you." Seduce him as he touch Tay's face with his slender finger.

Then, he walked out from Tay's condo leaving the owner dumbfounded and left hanging.


The doors were slammed angrily, the thuds echoed at the big mansion. The men startled, scared to look at their leader and retreated to do their own things and waited for a punishment or a command from the leader once he calm down.

When they saw New came with a frown between his thick eyebrows, it means no good.

The men gulped down their saliva when heard the angry roar from him.

Pluem who heard the noise immediately came to the office room. He entered the hidden room behind the wardrobe, a room where the gang always hang out to plan for their things or when they had a meeting.

"P'New...?" Pluem called and all the men just looked at the younger boy like he was their only hope. No one dared to speak to the leader when he got furious, but since Pluem was New's younger brother, maybe New would listen to him. Because all knew, New didn't dare to hurt his one and only family; his beloved younger brother - Pluem.

"What's wrong?" Pluem came closer to him.

New looked at him furious before he turned around infuriated to his men. He slammed his fist against the desk, not caring the stuff on it felt down or hurts his own knuckled or the wound in his shoulder cause by the angry flex.

He took out something from his pocket and threw the police ID's holder wallet on the table.

He took out something from his pocket and threw the police ID's holder wallet on the table

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The men gather to look at the wallet like it was the most interesting to see.

"This is Royal Thai Police Department of Special Investigations ID holder wallet. Where did you get this? Is someone almost catch you?" Pluem asked worriedly.

"Find out everything about this man." New said with a clenched jaws as he opened the wallet and took out the police id with a face of Tay.

"Tawan Vihokratana?" Pluem read the name. "W-Wait... Vihokratana? Isn't it's the name of the doctor who kill mom?" He looked at New scarily.

-To be continued-


[Author's notes]

Just a short chapter. 😁

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Stay safe and love you all.

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