14. Heart of a saint, life of a sinner

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The clear sound of gunshots filled the other room, causing New to almost dropped the plate.

"These as*hole!" He cursed before made his own way to the living room where the sound of the gunshots were coming from, not forgot to bring the sharp knife along with him.




"TAY! P'OFF! KEEP THE VOLUME DOWN! YOU ALMOST GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" New screamed as he tried to make his voice sound louder than the sound of the firing guns. But, looked like his attempt was useless since the two said name continuously firing their guns.




"You're suck Tay! Kill them all!" Off yelled frustrated as he pressed the game controller's buttons frantically.

"I've been surround by these zombies! I can't do anything!" Tay yelled back as he smashed all the buttons in rage and desperation.




"Oh my God! I ran out of ammo!" Off yelled again.

"Then use your knife!" Tay answered frustrated.

New breathe in and out as his appearance still became invisibility to the two oldest men.




New tightened his gripped on the knife in his hand before marched towards them furiously. He kicked the game controllers in their hands and made both Tay and Off jumped in surprised.

"W-Why you do t-that?"

"W-Where did you learn that k-kick from?"

Both Tay and Off asked in horror. Their eyes widened looking at New who looked so furious and flaring in fire.

Tay and Off leaned their back when New shove the knife in front of their face. "Turn off that video games and let's eat NOW!"

Both of them immediately obey. Because no one wanted to mess with New when he was in his 'mother mode'. - At least in Tay and Off's POV. But to New's gang, it was his 'killer mode'.


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New's POV

What's up, gang? [TayNew] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now