17. Monster

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New went to meet his uncle in their secret hideout. His uncle sat on a chair and beside him, there were standing 3 men wearing black suits. He recognized those men. They were the most loyal members who were not after money but work for his uncle because they trusted him so much.

In his uncle right side, there was standing his right hand man who always fulfilling his orders without any objection. Meanwhile, in his left, the two men were kind of bodyguards types but more ruthless. They were simple there to look intimidating and to beat the life of a person who disobey their boss' words even just a minor one.

New regretted for getting involved with the gang. King Black Devil they called it. An unknown gang who claimed a territory and use it to make money through illegal activities such as drug trafficking, prostitution, alien smuggling, human trafficking, identity theft, and mortgage fraud.

Of course they also killed people but in their own way where the death body would be disappeared without any trace. That's mean, either they throw the body into the ocean or burn it as long as it left no trace.

"Love is beautiful, isn't?" His uncle began to break the silence. "I never imagine that you could fall in love despite of how cunning you're. On top of that, loving the person whose father you've kill."

New clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. "What are you trying to say?"

"Do you remember the day I brought you to join the gang?"

New suddenly having a flashback the day where he was getting involved with the gang.

"You said you want to take a revenge to those who kill your mother." His uncle scoff. "When I told you that your mom died in a surgery and it's the doctor mistake and hospital tried to cover it up, you don't need to think twice to take a revenge for your mom's death. Ah! That's where I remember that you're also a monster like me. Do you remember why your dad left your family? Because he can't accept that his son is a monster while his wife's brother is a gangster."

"I'm not a monster like you!"

"Oh my nephew! Your mom always told me how worried she was when she saw you choke the kitten and kill it with the stone when you're just 6 years old. And now you're telling me that you're not a monster? When you kill the doctor, don't you feel something inside you waking up? Don't you feel excited when looking at him letting out his last breathe?"

New was frowning in anger.

"When I heard that you got a boy for yourself and come to know that he was the doctor's son, I thought you also want to take a revenge on him. So, I'm waiting for the day you will kill him. But, what do you think you're doing, New? Are you seriously in love with him? Are you trying to dug your own grave? If you get caught, my gang also would getting caught!" He slammed his hands hard on the table while glaring at New.

"You and Pluem are the only family I have. I love my younger sister so much that I'm willing to give her children anything as long as you and Pluem happy. But, if you cross the line like this, I don't think I can tolerate with you anymore, New." He stood up from his seat and walked towards his nephew.

"Don't worry, I haven't say anything to your boyfriend about who you really are. But, when he comes to know one day that you're the one who kill his father, do you think he still wants you?"

Unknowingly, New's eyes filled with tears.

"You still have a chance to leave him now. The choice is yours now. You will find your happiness with me and Pluem." He patted New's shoulder, then left him alone.

New's legs went jelly, he fall sitting on the floor and cries his eyes out.

If only we could turn back time.

What's up, gang? [TayNew] (COMPLETED) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now