18. Tears full of pain, eyes full of suffering

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New woke up from his slept by the sound of a breaking glasses

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New woke up from his slept by the sound of a breaking glasses. Looked like the shattered sound came from the kitchen as he could smelt an aroma of his favourite pancake along with Tay's cursed. The man probably facing a war at the kitchen as 'Tay' and 'Kitchen' sometimes didn't get along well.

He rubbed the sleepiness in his eyes. He glanced at the alarm clock, which said 9:39 a.m. He sat up and took a deep breath. However, no matter how much breathe he took, it felt like his chest wasn't expanding and he wasn't getting any oxygen.

Suddenly, his stomach doing flip flops or turning somersaults. The smell of the pancake made his stomach agitated and grumbled like an off-balance washing machine.

He closed his mouth and nose with his hand. He knew that the most terrible, horrible, dreadful, awful thing that could happen was going to happen.

'Please God, don't let me-- 🤢' He prayed too late. The terrible, horrible, dreadful, awful thing happened.

He immediately ran to the bathroom and unloaded the contents of his stomach into the toilet. 🤮 "Euuark! Uhuuk! Uhuuk! Euaark!"

When his quaking body had finished purging, he crumpled onto the floor beside the bowl. The sour taste of bile was heavy on his tongue and slicked along the back walls of his throat.

Once again, he threw up.

He felt a hand caressing his back. "Are you okay?" Tay asked worriedly. He came running to New once heard the vomit sound.

New flushed the bowl before walked to the sink to wash his mouth and face. Then, he looked at Tay and smiled. "I'm fine." Clearly he was not fine judging from how pale his face was.

Tay put his palm onto New's forehead to check his temperature. "You're not having a fever. But, why did you vomit early in the morning? Should we go to hospital to check up?"

"No need Tay. I'm fine. Maybe, I'm just tired."

"What time did you arrive last night?" Tay wrapped his arm around New's waist as they walked out from the bathroom and headed to the bed. "I woke up at 2am but you're still not at home."

"Hmm, around 3:30am I guess. I'm so worried once got a call that Pluem's heartbeat stopped suddenly. But, thanks God that he is fine although he still didn't wake up yet." New said sadly and Tay caressed his back. "He is going to be fine. Pluem is a strong boy."

New leaned closer and rest his head on Tay's shoulder and intertwined their fingers. "Do you need to go to work today?"

"Hm? I will stay with you if you want me to."

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