Chapter 28

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TW: mentions of blood

Tom's POV

O'Neill is one of my most faithful followers. He would not be betray me by will.

"He is covered in magic - and is Dumbledore written all over it." Luna finished. I knew it, Dumble-dick was the reason.

"Bring him to me. I want him here within the hour, with a veriteserum testing kit as well." I ordered. I was met with murmers of agreement. Severus went to collect the potions, and the twins, Barty and Lucius went to find O'Neill. Harry and Draco sat down and started on the bacon - they thought I couldn't see their hands held together under the desk, but a father always knows. Always.

-time skip brought to you by 1971's Macbeth, it's a very boring film-

3rd person POV

Tom sat on his chair in the meeting room. Well, I say chair, it was more of a throne. It was black with intricate designs along the arms and backrest. He scanned the room, eyes lingering on the veriteserum testing kit in the corner.

The door swung open, Harry and Draco walking in followed by O'Neill, who had 1 Weasley twin on each arm. Barty brought up the rear. Snape came in a side door.

"My Lord," O'Neill spoke as the twins pushed him down onto the floor.

"O'Neill, I'm sure you wish to know why you're here. I have been informed you have been telling Dumbledore top secret information. However, I know you. You would not do this. You must tell me what your last encounter was with Dumbledore and the Order." Tom spoke, leaning back on his throne. Pyxis came in through another side door, leaning against the frame and eating a croissant.

"I do not remember much, but I remember Kingsley Shacklebolt taking me to room, and injecting something into my arm. I then remember waking up in an alleyway, in London. I suspect it was veritaserum - you can test me if you like." O'Neill answered, bowing his head. Tom nodded at Snape, signalling him to administer testing kit.

"This shouldn't hurt," Snape said as he took a sample of O'Neill's blood. O'Neill winced - he wasn't one for needles.

"My apologies," responded Snape, as he dripped the sample on to a testing strip. (like a covid test)

"We must wait a few minutes for it to work, though I imagine it will be positive. I can't imagine you doing anything like this, willingly." Snape said, placing the test on a flat surface.

-Time skip brought to you by the broken pencil I'm writing this with-

Snape picked up the test, a rare smile on his face.

"Positive - there are traces of veritaserum in the blood." Snape said, pleased. He held the test up for the Dark Lord's approval. Harry grinned from where he was sitting in the corner, on Draco's lap of course, one of the best Death Eaters have not betrayed them.

"Good, good. There is a meeting this afternoon, make sure you're there. You can go now." Tom said, smiling as Pyxis waved a croissant at him.

Harry grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him out the room.

"I've got something to show you. Go get changed, into something... Muggely." Harry said. Draco grimaced. As stylish as some muggle clothes were, they were still muggle clothes.

"And keep it casual!" Harry yelled after Draco, as he went up the stairs. A little while later, Draco came down the stairs in casual clothes, with his wand in the inside of his leather jacket. Harry took his hand, and pulled him out the front door.

He took his wand out of his back pocket, and summoned the Knight bus.

"Welcome to the Knight bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this morning. Well what you standing there for, get on!" Stan Shunpike said.

"Where you off to?"

"Brighton Pier, please." Harry said, eying Draco's confused look.

"Two for Brighton Pier!" Stan yelled.

"That'd be 1 gallon, 2 sickles, and a knut, please." Harry got the money out of his pocket, handing it to Stan as the bus lurched forward. The knut rolled away, before stopping under a chair at the back.

"Don't worry about it, it's only a knut." Stan says. Harry and Draco attempt to make their way to a seat, but the bus lurched round a corner, and Draco was flown across the bus, hitting a window.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, standing over Draco.

"Early days. Steering's a bit off." Ernie said, gesturing to the young man in the driving seat. Harry presumed he was Ernie's grandson.

They arrived in Brighton, after a very bumpy ride, a stop in Norway and a trip to Brazil. They got off, Harry feeling dizzy and Draco looking like he was about to throw up. This was quickly forgotten as they looked in awe at what the muggles can do.

A/N - hello sweeties

yes that was a doctor who quote. I was waiting for a good time to put it in and I found a fantastic moment. expect lots.

......I may be obsessed someone please stop me

I know Brighton well, so I hope Harry and Draco's trip there will be detailed, and all the more exciting for it

I hope y'all liked it

see ya ✌

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