Chapter 2

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3rd person POV

"You want to be my friend? But you have Ron, Hermione, Neville, what did they ever do to you?"

Harry thought back to the a couple of summers ago, when Ron and Hermione could have written letters to him, but chose not too. When they had Dumbledore's permission to tell him about the Order, but they didn't. How Hermione would tell Ron to "stop thinking about him, he only wants allies, he only wants you for your light support. Plus, if we get close to him,  Ginny can marry him and we'll be rich!" It was then when Ron made the biggest choice of his life; his (who he thought was his) best friend, or his girlfriend, with her bushy hair and imperfect smile. He chose to side with Hermione, believing her's, and Dumbledore's, lies. They thought they had this conversation in private, but harry was in the bathroom, listening as his best friends betrayed him.

For that year he had kept up the act, pretending they were his friends fighting with him. It was that summer, at the department of mysteries, when they showed where their loyalties lay. When they stood in a corner and laughed at Harry screaming his heart out, lashing out at where Nymphadora Tonks had stood, Bellatrix laughing at how she had killed her neice. Sirius and Remus, Harry's godfathers, were holding him back from killing her right there and then. It was then when he had spotted his two 'friends', laughing in a corner at his pain.

Harry was lost in thought, only one voice being able too pull him out of his mind...

"-ry, Harry, HARRY!"

Harry lifted his head just to see Draco's worried look disappear.

"I asked you a question."

"Oh, um, well, Ron and Hermione are backstabbing gits, turns out they were being paid to be my friends. Oh, and Ginny still wants me to go out with her, though it's fairly obvious I'm not into her."

"And Neville?"

"Nev and Luna are true friends. They were the first ones to know I'm bi, they were the ones to help me after Tonks' death. She was like a sister, Tonks. All of the Weaslys except Ron  Ginny and Arthur, for some reason, were devastated."

Draco saw the sorrow look on Harry's face.

"I'm so sorry, Harry. If you want, we could start over?"

"I'd like that."

Draco held out his hand.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy. Slytherin, pansexual."

Harry took it.

"Harry James Potter. Gryffindor, bisexual."

A/N soooooo........

Aren't you lucky?

Sorry Tonks, I just couldn't have Sirius die, too sad

So Sirius is alive and well, thank you and a please and thank you to you.

Also, I can guarantee wolfstar! Yayyyyy

I think that's all, might sleep now. See ya!

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