Chapter 20

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3rd person POV

"Tom Riddle you bastard!" The person named Pyxis yelled, storming up to stand in front of Tom.

"You went insane! You made 7 horcruxes, even I only made one, you idiot! You nearly killed me! I RAN AWAY BECAUSE YOU LOST YOUR MIND!! AND I, I, KEPT THIS RING BECAUSE FOR SOME REASON I STILL LOVE YOU!"

Harry stared at this mysterious person in shock, as they kept on yelling at Tom, holding her left hand up and pointing at it. Who were they? How do they know Tom? Harry had so many thoughts swirling around in his head, he didn't realise when he blurted out-

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Pyxis turned her head and looked from Harry, to Tom, to Harry. She walked over to him, and placed her hand in front of her.

"Pyxis Riddle-Stone, and you are?"

"Harry Tom Riddle, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Harry shook Pyxis' hand.

"A Riddle, huh? And how may you be related to Tom?"

"I'm his adopted son." Pyxis looked taken aback by this. She looked to Tom, almost in tears.

"You have a son?? And you didn't think to tell me?? You know I can't have kids and you didn't tell me that I could have an opportunity of being a mother??" Harry, Draco and the others looked around in shock.

"I thought you didn't want me, I thought you stayed away because you no longer loved me. I see now that that is not the case. Here's an idea, you and Harry get to know each other, and then we can see where to go from there." Tom said in his usual monotonous voice. Harry looked around the room, laying his eyes on his Father.

"I think it's a brilliant idea, father."

"As do I, Tom."

"Brilliant. Now back to the matter at hand, perhaps?" Ginny said impatiently.

A/N - I'm sorry it's so short! Currently at around 375 words, I have a headache and I'm gonna go to sleep, I just wanted to get this out as I had this idea but I still don't quite know how to do it, so expect a time skip please (:

There is still much to learn about Pyxis, and especially her relationship with Tom, and one day I hope to make another book with their back story. One day, one day. But I hope that's enough to keep your curious brains going for now.

Right what was I doing?

Oh yeah sleep

Peace 😴✌

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