Chapter 34

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What's this? Oh yeah, its deja-ru!

3rd Person POV

Harry sat in Tom's chair at the head of the table. In front of him were maps, plans, diagrams and methods of how to cast complex spells. He ran his hands thought his hair, sighing.

"'Ry, you need to go to sleep."

"No I don't, Luna. This is far more important than being unconscious for 7 hours." Luna stood in the doorway in her pyjamas, her hair all over the place.

"What are you doing, anyway?"

"I have to find a way to defeat him, Luna. He's terrorizing our world, and won't stop until he lets muggles in. And god knows what they'd do when they find out about magic."

"If it makes you any better, you do defeat him. I'm still not entirely sure how, but I assure you Harry," Luna sits down next to him.

"You do." Harry looks at her.

"Thanks Luna. It means a lot."

"Now go to bed."


"I refuse to send them back to that horrific school Tom." Pyxis stood at the opposite end of the dining room table to where Tom was sitting. She had just flung down the Daily Prophet, where the headline read "Is Hogwarts really safe?" 

"Dumbledore is a fool and a liar, Tom, I refuse to send Harry back there. It is far too dangerous, even without you running rampage all over the place."

"I agree with you, the man is a complete maniac."

"You're one to talk," Pyxis said under her breath. Tom raised an eyebrow in response.

"I'll call a meeting Pyx, of all the parents on our side with children in either Harry or Luna's year. We can discuss then who can get away with not going then." Tom picked up his toast and continued to eat it.

"Alright. I'll go and owl the Malfoys, but not before I get myself a croissant. Tippy!" A house elf popped up beside her, and bowed.

"What can Tippy do for Miss?"

"Would you be a dear and get me a croissant?"

"Of course Miss!" Tippy disappeared and came back 30 seconds later, plate in hand.

"Croissant for Miss Pyxis!"

"Thank you Tippy." 

Time skip bought to you by the now 9 plants in my room

The twins ran into the dining hall, fully aware that they were late for this meeting, but not caring in the slightest. They sat down opposite Ginny and Luna at the end of the table.

Look i made a diagram so i dont have to explain where everyone sits cos thats boring and its 1am

Look i made a diagram so i dont have to explain where everyone sits cos thats boring and its 1am

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fuck its sideways oh well turn your phone or smth idk

"Right. You all know why you're here. First of all, hands up if you feel safe going back to Hogwarts" Tom leaned back in his chair and watched no one raise their hand.

"Secondly, raise your hand if you don't feel comfortable with sending your child/nephew/another's child back to Hogwarts." The same results occurred. 

"That's clear then. Unfortunately, to not blow any covers or to not seem to suspicious, some of you may have to go back. Harry, don't even think about it, you're not going anywhere near that damn castle again. Ginny and Luna, I'm sorry, but if you stopped going Ginny, the ministry may enquire as your family is close with Dumbledore."

"Barely," Came Arthur's voice. 

"And Luna, as we are so deep into the war, and your father is neutral, and investigation as to why you're not attending would not be surprising. Neville and Blaise, as you are mates, I think it would be fairly safe to send you back, however I don't want to. I don't want to send any of you back. We can let the light think we kidnapped you, Neville, however as Blaise's family is known to be dark, I don't think the lie will hold out for long."

"My Lord, I think we may have to go back." Blaise said. A small whimper came from next to him.

"I would never let anything happen to you my love, you know that. I'd protect you with my life." Neville seemed to feel better for that.

"I can appeal to the school board for a 7th year learning from home plan for Draco, not that I think he'll need it mind you, and as a school governor they can't say no to me." Lucius planned.

"I think its very believable that the dark has either kidnapped me or killed me, so there will be search parties - but as no one knows we're here, I think I'll be ok." Harry said, ecstatic at the fact he doesn't have to go back.

"Now you can-"

"-watch us-"

"-explode things-"

"-all day."

"Must you do that every time you speak?" Remus asked, exasperated.

"Yes." The twins spoke in unison.

"They're going to be the death of me, I swear," Narcissa whispered to Sirius.

"That's that then - to all those that have to go back, I am so dreadfully sorry. You'll go shopping for your school supplies once your letters arrive. Whilst you're there, please make it hell for Dumbledore - I'm sure the twins will happily supply you with their latest inventions." Tom got out of his chair and left the room, side eyeing the twins grinning at each other.

"Dear God what have I let loose," he muttered to himself.



i do so sincerely apologise

currently in the worst year possible in the british secondary education system

and i feel like shit all the time so thats fun

i once again had to re read half this damn book again 

idk how many reads this book is on but thanks 

aight im out its like half one in the morning and i have to do double french tomorrow so fuck my life 😀

peace 🖕  

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