Chapter 10

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⚠️TW, mentions of abuse ⚠️

3rd Person POV

Easter rolled around faster than expected for Harry. Ron and Hermione had stayed away from him for the rest of the term, after the incident in the Great Hall. He had become very close to Dean and Seamus after their public declaration of love for each other that day. Neville had been discharged from hospital a couple of days after he had woken up, and he had spent a lot of time in the forbidden forest with Blaise (absolutely not).

After he had woken up, Neville had an Inheritance test. He discovered he was an earth elf, which explained why he was so good at Herbology. Professor McGonagall had explained that as Dominant Veelas (Blaise) were very protective of their mates, they were now going to have a private dormitory, near the Astronomy tower.

The day before the easter holidays

"Pssst! Potter!" Harry heard a hushed voice whisper behind him. He turned on his heel to see Draco beckoning him over.

"C'mere." Draco beckoned. Harry looked around to see that no one was paying attention, and subtly walked into the empty classroom Draco was standing in.

"The Dark Lord owled me earlier. He said that Barty Crouch Jr., Father and I will come to your Aunt's house a couple of days into the holidays, and rescue you. Mother and Uncle Severus will be standing by, as Mother is a skilled healer, and of course you know about Uncle Sev."

"Why would you need a healer?"

"You remember last month, in the library?" You told me what your Uncle did to you. I thought it would be a nessercery precaution."

Harry's eyes widened in realization when Draco mentioned the abuse. His mind flashed back to all the times he had been beaten, starved, shouted at and burnt on the stove.

"I- that's probably a good idea, Draco. Thank you."

A bell sounded throughout the castle, signalling dinner.

"Harry," Draco said, Harry looking back towards him. He raised his eyebrows in response.

"Have you an story, a lie of why you are going 'home'?"

"Yes, as I won't be going to the Burrow, I've said the Dursley's have demanded me back there, as there is some massive painting job the whale can't be bothered to do himself. I also said they'd punish me even more if I refused. I owled them as well to let them know I was coming. Whether they received it or not is another matter."

"Alright. We better go to dinner now."

Draco stood up and was heading towards the door, when he saw a mop of curly brown hair moving away.

Lavender Brown was quickly walking away, after seeing Harry Potter, Harry freaking Potter, with Slytherin prince, Draco Malfoy. She was going towards the great hall, ready to spread rumours.


Malfoy Manor, Easter holidays

Lucius Malfoy slammed the Daily Prophet down on the breakfast table.

"Draco! Get downstairs now!"

Draco came downstairs yawning, his hair half-done and still in his pyjamas.

"Yes Father?" His eyes widened as he saw Lord Voldemort sitting at the head of the table. With a wave of Narcissa's wand, he was dressed.

"Draco, look at today's Daily Prophet."

28th April 1997

Potter and Malfoy - Boyfriends?

As all know, Harry Potter, the chosen one, has recently 'come out of the closet'  as bisexual. Yesterday, he was spotted in an empty classroom with none other than Draco Malfoy. Is Harry Potter dating the heir to the Malfoy fortune? Is Draco Malfoy gay? Or have they formed an alliance against Dumbledore? Or against You-Know-Who?

Find out more as we attempt to talk to Harry during the Easter holidays. Mr. Potter is currently residing with his Aunt and Uncle, which is unusual for Harry as it has been rumoured that he is abused there. This leads to one last question: Why hasn't he been removed from his current residence?

The witness for these events wished to remain unnamed

Rita Skeeter reporting for the Daily Prophet

"Draco. I want you to tell me honestly. Are you in any way LGBTQ+?"

"Yes, Father. I- I am pansexual." Draco said hurriedly, closing his eyes in fear. After 10 long seconds of silence, he opened them.

Everyone was looking at him. But tears came to Draco's eyes when Narcissa stood up and engulfed him in a hug, whispering how he was accepted, and how he was loved.

As he pulled away from the hug, he pulled the newspaper forward towards him, and re-read the notes at the bottom.

'The witness for these events wished to remain unnamed'


A/N - sorry for all the time skips, I'm not good at time fillers (:

And I'm not sorry for the cliffhanger thing I put there :)

Anyway, there is a high chance of me not sleeping before midnight (its half past 10 rn, and its Saturday so you can't tell me what to do), so if you want to contact me do it in the next 1 ½ hours please, or you won't get a reply until the morning.

See ya ♡

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