Chapter 8

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3rd person POV

Luna sat in History of magic, a class mandatory if she wanted to become a magizoologist. She stared at the bright red hair in front of her. Ginny was beautiful in her eyes. Luna, however, was under the impression the Ginny was straight. This was far from the truth.

Ginny had been questioning her sexuality since 3rd year, when she realized she thought Padma Patil, a Ravenclaw in the year above, looked pretty at the Yule ball. She realized now that, although Padma did look stunning in her sari, it was more a feeling of sympathy for her, as she went to the ball with her homophobic brother. Who really had her heart was Luna Lovegood. With her blond hair curling down her back - how anyone couldn't be in love with the Ravenclaw was beyond Ginny.

*Time skip to after class, bought to you by your lazy author and Draco's hair gel*

"Ginny!" Luna called after her crush as she ran down the corridor. 

Ginny's head spun around at Luna's voice.

"Hey Luna. You alright?" Ginny said, smiling at the shorter girl.

"I'm ok, I just wanted to ask you a question."


"What's your sexuality?" Luna asked hopefully. This was certainly not the question Ginny was preparing for. A million thoughts swarmed her head. Does this mean she likes me back? Oh, god, what if someone pressured her into saying this?

"I-I'm bisexual." Luna lit up at these words, although only inside her head. Or so she thought.

"Really? I'm panromantic."

"I've never come across that term before. Would you mind explaining it?"

"Of course not. First off, I'm asexual. This means I experience little to no sexual attraction. And second, the 'pan' bit means attracted to all genders, or people regardless of gender. Not to frying pans." Luna said, laughing a little at the end.

"Oh, cool."

They walked along the corridor in silence.




"Luna, slow down, I barely understood that."

"I-I-, I have a massive crush on you, and I have no clue how to tell you." She looked round at Ginny hopefully. "And now you're gonna hate me forever."

"Oh Luna, I could never hate you."

Luna looked up at her in hope.

"Believe me, I share those feelings. I have a massive crush on you too."

Luna brought Ginny into a bone-smashing hug, which she gladly returned.


Draco ran down the empty corridor. He had just seen Harry walk round the corner, searching for something, or someone.

"Draco! There you are! I was looking for you."

"I was looking for you too. I wrote to the Dark Lord, and he replied. I kept a copy of the letter I sent him, just in case you wanted to see it."

Harry nodded in response, yes he wanted to see it! Draco handed him a piece of parchment, that had been doused in protection charms.

The letter read:

My Lord,

               Before I come to the purpose of this letter, I must explain one thing. A couple of days ago, I was in the bathroom, being very stressed. The person I least expected to come in came in and comforted me. Harry Potter, of all people, came in and calmed me down. He told me about how Ronald Weasely and Hermione Granger were being paid to be his friends, and how Ginevra Weasely was being paid to marry him. I then explained to him what the 'Dark' side really stood for , what Dumbledore is trying to do, and - I beg you not to kill me for this - my orders from you to kill the headmaster.

After I had told him that, he said how he 'never liked the old coot anyway' , and he offered to help me kill him. But I suggested a meeting with you first, as he seemed to despise the light after what I had told him they really stood for (it was mainly the werewolf-children ban that did it, as one of his godfathers, Remus Lupin, is one, and Harry said he had always wanted children). He said it was a good idea, and asked to do it soon.

I know this is very sudden, but I thought it better to do it now rather than later.

If you could reply soon it would be very much appreciated, as Harry would like to 'meet the man himself' as soon as possible.

Your faithful servant, 

              Draco Lucius Malfoy

P.s, Ginevra Weasely was listening the whole time outside the bathroom, and we caught her on the way out. Before he came into the bathroom, Harry had come out to her as Bisexual, and she was waiting for him to return, so she could give him her support and warn her about the homophobic members of her family. She then said she would help us kill Dumbledore, and Harry's abusive 'family' (or Hellhole as he put it). She also told us that if Harry goes dark, she would go no farther than grey/neutral. She told us she could be a spy if need be.

"That makes sense, you just left out the part where Ginny didn't know about being paid to marry me. She just loved me."

Draco felt twang of... something in the back of his mind. Was that... jealousy? Surely not. He buried the feeling and pulled out another well-charmed piece of parchment. "Here is his reply."


             I have talked it over with your Father, and  we have decided it would be best for Harry to go back to his Aunt and Uncle's house at Easter. Your Father, yourself and Barty will go to his residence and rescue him from that  'hellhole' . You will then bring him to Malfoy Manor, where he will reside until school resumes. Please give this letter to Harry after you have read it, and respond to me with his answer.

Lord Voldemort

"Tell him I think its a good idea, and it will go into action. I'll tell Ron and Hermione I have lots of work to do, and I won't be coming to the Burrow with them this Easter."

"Will do." Draco stood up and waved at Harry, which Harry returned.

A/N- hi there my dudes

it's currently 22.54 and I need to sleep, so I will make these two things very quick:

1. there will be Bleville in the next chapter

2. I forgot to say this at the beginning, but truck you j.k, you are an transphobic git and no-one likes you, so bugger off.

I may or may not sleep now, probably not 

(also bloody long chapter [by my standards], 1088 words) 

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