Chapter 32

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⚠️⚠️TW: MENTIONS OF DEATH (namely cedrics) AND PTSD⚠️⚠️

3rd Person POV

A very confused Arthur follow Harry, Ginny and Luna back to Riddle Manor. Harry opened the gate and let them through, following behind the others afterwards. Arthur looked up at the Manor in awe.

"This place is massive." Arthur said, as Harry opened the front doors.

"And it is beautiful, Dad. Now come on, there's someone you need to meet."

"It wouldn't be the Dark Lord, by any chance?" Arthur asked. Harry looked at the floor, Ginny at a random painting but Luna carried on forward.

"Did someone call me?" Tom's voice called, the man himself walking into the hall a few seconds later. Arthur froze, staring at Tom in obvious fear.

"Mr. Weasley."

"You're You-Know-Who."

"I am."

"You don't look like what Dumbledore says you do."

"A thing happened."

"I bet it did." Arthur and Tom glared at each other.

"You have a lot to explain Ginny."

"Let's go and sit down. You may need it, Arthur." Luna said, walking into the sitting room. The others walked in, sat down and started to explain everything.

(Time skip bought to you by Jared. Hes 19 and he never fucking learned how to read)

"How could Dumbledore do that to Remus. To such a loyal follower, hiw could he want to take away someone's rights?"

"Not that loyal, Arthur." Came Remus' voice.

"I was surprised too. Surprised and disgusted." Sirius said.

"Anyone for tea?" Pyxis asked, poking her head round the door next to Sirius and Remus. Everyone stared at her.

"What? Only asking."

"Yes please, Pyx. And have we got any biscuits?"

"I think so." Pyxis smiled at Tom, who gave a small smile back. As Pyxis left, Arthur spoke up.

"You have a heart."

"I do."

"Join us, Arthur. Help us rid the world of Dumbledore."

"Muggles are dangerous. I've studied them for ages, and I love some of their inventions but they scare me. Some of their weapons are horrifying - yes they fascinate me but they could destroy us all so easily. And God knows what might happen if Dumbledore let them into our world. I will join if I'm allowed to keep my rubber duck collection."

"Of course you can Arthur. Now then, let's just-" Fred and George came running in.

"Harry we've made a thing-" Fred started.

"-We call it a dream tracker, thought it might help you with those dreams." George followed.

"If the dreams have been repeating for a week or more,"

"The tracker tracks the origin of the dream if it comes from a spell with malicious inten-"

"Dad." Fred and George said together.

"You too?" Arthur asked. Fred and George took in the people in the room - Harry, Luna, Ginny, Tom, Arthur and Pyxis, returning with the tea and promised biscuits.

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