Chapter 33

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3rd Person POV

Later that day, the twins stood over the dream tracker, which lay on the dining room table. George tapped it with his wand, muttering an incantation.

"So these dreams were not regular before, and started to get worse after the Dursley's house was sold?" Fred asked Harry.

"Yes, I'm assuming Dumbledore, if it was him, realised something was wrong when the house was sold and he wasn't notified. He always reminded me, every summer before we left, to tell Aunt Petunia to never sell the house without telling him. Something to do with 'Protective spells', I think." Harry said, staring at the tracker.

"Protective spells my ass." Draco muttered from across the table.

"In that case, as there was a clear point when the dreams started getting worse I imagine it's an interference rather than your mind playing tricks on you." Fred said, as George finished his spell.

"Right what it should do-" George started.

"-is glow green if it is a spell-" Fred continued.

"-and gold if it isn't."

"If it glows green-"

"-the face of the spellcaster is meant to float above the tracker-"

"-so we can then take action." Fred finished.

"Here we go." Harry murmured. The disc started to glow, light filling the room. Harry let out an angry breath, followed by him leaving the room - although not before he swiped his hand through Dumbledore's green presence.

"Harry please- Guys, can you please go and tell our Lord, I'm going after Harry." The twins nodded and watched Draco run after Harry.


"Harry, are you there? You ok, hun?" (a/n laughs in rpdruk2) Draco said, concerned. A mumble came in reply.

Draco entered his and Harry's room, only to find his boyfriend sitting in bed with the covers over his head. Draco sat down next to Harry, and pulled the covers from Harry's head.

"'S cold."

"I know."

"Dumbldumb thinks he can just use me. I am not his toy. He thinks he can taunt me with my own traumatic memories. And he thinks I'll come running back to him. Not likely." Harry took the bedcover from Draco's hands and shifted back to lean against the wall.

"I despise that man."

"I know, my dear. I do too." Draco moved the sit next to Harry. They sat there in silence for a bit.

"I refuse to live like this any longer. I'm going to see my dad, c'mon." Harry grabbed Draco's hand and tugged him out of bed and out of the room.


Tom stared at the broken dream tracker at his feet - he'd smashed it when the twins told him what had happened.

"You shouldn't have done that, Tom. It took the twins ages to make." Pyxis said, taking a dustpan and brush from a house elf (She liked to do things the muggle way, sometimes). Said twins were sitting on a bench at the side of the room in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, you two. Repairo." Tom pointed his wand at the broken shards, and watched as the knitted back together.

"Thank you, My Lord-" Fred said.

"That means a lot." George finished, going to pick up the disc.

Harry stormed into the room, a very confused Draco following behind. He stood there, eyes shut and breathing heavily. He opened his mouth to speak.

"Father, Pyx. I can't live like this anymore. I want Dumbledore dead."

Tom smiled - he had been waiting a long time for his son to be ready; Harry was more than ready.

a/n- the cocky slag is back!

I am also just a little bit obsessed with drag race uk, can you tell?

I'm sorry I've been gone for so long, mental health issues woooo ✌✌

I hope you all like it, I know its shorter than normal. there may be a few inconsistencies with storyline, as I cant remember half of it lol. I'm also sorry for decrease in story quality - I noticed while writing I'm using a lot more shorter sentences so story flow may seem a bit more clunky :)

happy holidays, you've had a whole 6 chapters this year if I'm remembering right-

damn its 7

see yall, btw ya boi is nearly 16 wooo

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