Chapter 26

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3rd person POV

"I was informed of something you said last week. Do you want to leave your husband and steal my wife away to have me all to yourself?!"

Tom slammed his hands down over the table, a map of the Ministry flying off of the table from the draft his sleves made. Bellatrix stood at the end of the table, frozen at the fact she'd been caught.


"I-, My Lord, I-" Tom was done with her stuttering, and delved into her mind, trying to find the memory.

Bella's mind was damp, dark and messy. Tom had a hard time rifling through the junk that she calls her memory organization, but he eventually found it. He resurfaced, the look on Bella's face priceless. She stood there, looking like she knew she was totally screwed.

"And here is my proof. And here is what I'll do. As you are one of my most devout followers, I will simply remove these thoughts from your head, as not to drive you even more insane." Tom picked up his wand, and placed the tip against her head. He said something inaudible, and pulled a silvery substance from Bellatrix's head.

He flicked his wrist, and let the thoughts and memories disappear into thin air, losing them forever.


Harry was sitting in the library, bored out of his mind. It was June, and 6th year were in the middle of the end of year exams. Harry laid his head down on his DADA book (defense against the dark arts). He fell asleep, and was woken up by Peeves dropping random bits of chalk and old quills on his face; clearly the aftermath of a recent prank.

"Oh, bugger off Peeves." Harry said, sitting up and brushing the chalk dust from his hair. Peeves pouted, but Filch came into the library; he was hot on Peeves' tail after said recent prank. Peeves also heard the rattling of the Bloody Baron's chains, and at that raced off down to the kitchens.

Harry looked at the clock on the wall, and then at Madam Pince.


It was after curfew, but Madam Pince must have been in a good mood as to not wake him up. He gathered all his things, while Madam Pince closed various parts of the library. They said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways.

Harry decided to take a shortcut up to the tower, and went behind the tapestry in the 5th floor. Little did he know, Draco was waiting there to surprise him.

"Merlin's beard, Draco!"

"Harry! I was wondering when you would turn up."

"What do you mean?"

"I was waiting here to surprise you, but you took ages!"

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep. Madam Pince was in a good mood, and didn't wake me up."

"That explains a lot." Draco said, laughing. He grabbed Harry's hand, and pulled him into a kiss.

"I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, Draco."


The last day of term had come at last, and Draco and Harry had saud goodbye to each other the night before, as not to raise suspision.

Harry stood on Hogsmede station, talking with Neville and waiting for the platform to clear before getting on the train.

"And then, we apparated to a cave in the middle of the sea. We went in, and he drank this potion that made him scream and stuff. There was this locket," Harry held up a locket with a greem 'S' on it.

"In the bottom of the bowl where the potion was. I gave Dumbledore some water, from the lake, but the lake was filled with dead body things. He said after they were called 'inferi' or something. Anyway, I got us back across the lake, and apperated us back to Hogsmeade. We- I, got us back to the castle and to the hospital wing, where I believe he spent the rest of the term recoving. But did I get any therapy for what I had just witnessed? Nooooooooo, of course not, I'm the perfect boy who lived, and the perfect boy who lived doesn't have PTSD, of cousre not."

"I take it Cissy diagnosed you with it when you came to the manor?" Neville said, concerned and yet slightly afraid of Harry after his outburst.

"No, Poppy diagnosed me after Ced- after Cedric died." Harry said, sorrow filling his face. Neville quickly came to his aid with a bear hug.

"C'mon, 'Ry, let's go find a compartment." Neville said, tilting his head towards the train, which was filling up with students. Harry produced a small smile, and followed him onto the train.

"We were more than friends, Ced and I." Harry said as he and Neville found an empty compartment.

"What do you mean?"

"I loved him. I still do, I know it."

"You were boyfriends?"

"Yes. I- I was in a poly relationship with him. It was Ced, Cho and I. Me and Cho could barely face each other after his death, and we broke up. I felt empty, empty inside after the events of that year. That's when I realized I had a crush on Draco, and the thought of him got me through fifth year, despite the fact I thought it could never be. Oh, how wrong I was." Harry was crying, and buried his face in Neville's embrace.

"Oh, Harry, I'm so so so sorry." Neville comforted. Suddenly, there were footsteps running down the corridor of the carrige.

"BLAISE! I'M SURE HE'S-" Blaise burst into the compartment, wings out. Neville knew what was going on, and winced.

"Harry, I suggest you get off of Neville, for your own good." Came Draco's voice.

"Get. Off. My. Mate." Harry didn't need to be told again, and got off of Neville, wiping the tears away from his cheek as he did so, glasses steamed up. Draco pushed past Blaise, who was standing in the doorway.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Draco asked, pulling him into a hug.

"C-Cedric..." Draco understood, as Harry had told him previously. Blaise had wrapped his wings around Neville protectivly. Draco put a locking and silencing charm on the door, and that's how they stayed until they got to London.




I got this bluetooth keyboard today so the majority of this chapter is written on that

i hope you are all having a brilliant holiday season, whatever you celebrate

Merry Christmas, peace ✌

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