Chapter 4

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Harry POV

I stared at the floor in disbelief. Dumbledore was trying to make sure one of his loyal followers would never have children.


"That's more or less what everyone said when Uncle Severus told us. He said Lupin wasn't at that order meeting, so he could discuss it freely."

"But surely Sirius was there?"

"I don't know, Uncle Severus never said so. I suppose they were both out, or Sirius would have told him, and they both might have come running to the  dark."

I leant back against the wall, and I realised we were siting down. Then I remembered something Draco said earlier.


He hummed in response.

"Earlier, you said something about a task the Dark Lord had set you. Would you be comfortable telling me what it is? I might be able to help."

He looked up at me.

"Well, I have orders to kill Dumbledore."

I lit up. After all Darco had told me, i was ready to kill that bastard.

"I will quite happily help you do that. From what you've said, and after all Dumbles has told me, it sounds as if he has been raising me just to defeat the Dark Lord, and then marry me off to someone (ahem, Ginny, ahem)."

"Oh Harry, I'm so sorry. If you like, I can request a meeting with the Dark Lord, and you could meet him, and I'll ask him not to kill you the moment  you walk in the door."

Maybe the 'Dark side' isn't so bad after all.

"That would that would be brilliant. Can you do it soon though? As in, before we kill Dumb-as-a-door."

"Sure. Any particular reason why?"

I had an idea forming in my head.

"Yes, but I'm still planning. I'll tell you later."




Ginny POV

I looked over my shoulder, seeing Harry disappear into the boy's bathroom. I sat outside, waiting too see if we could go down to dinner together. I leant against the wall, admiring the painting of an old wizard in front of me. I always liked painting, not as much as Luna, but the craftsmanship on the frame was wonderful. I stared at it for a few minutes, before hearing a shout.


That sounded like Malfoy's voice. I scooted closer to the door, eavesdropping.

"I asked you a question."

That is definitely Malfoy.

"Oh, um, well, Ron and Hermione are backstabbing gits, turns out they were being paid to be my friends. Oh, and Ginny still wants me to go out with her, though it's fairly obvious I'm not into her."

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. Ron and Hermione did what?! And he doesn't like me? Oh well, a girl can dream. (You're darn right we can Gin)

"And Neville?"

"Nev and Luna are true friends. They were the first ones to know I'm bi, they were the ones to help me after Tonks' death. She was like a sister, Tonks. All of the Weaslys except Ron  Ginny and Arthur, for some reason, were devastated."

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