Chapter 35

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I'll explain I promise

3rd Person POV

Dumbledore was nothing short of livid. It  was the middle of September and Harry Potter, his golden boy, was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't present at the Welcome Feast, nor any of his classes. Not one person had seen him all summer, or since the start of term.

Neville had told Dumbledore that he hadn't seen him since July, and Ron and Hermione had cut all ties with Harry - it was no good asking them. Because of the situation with Ron, Ginny wasn't expected to know, but she'd been asked anyway. And despite her seer abilities, Luna seemed to be of little help. All of these students seemed to be very good at Occulmency too (idk how to spell it shush) - something that shouldn't come naturally to any of these people other than Luna.

Another thing that puzzled Dumbledore was Draco Malfoy's absence. It seemed very unlike his father to want him to be home schooled. Dumbledore was certain it had no relation to Potter's disappearance though - right?

Dumbledore had called a mini Order meeting in his office. On the 20th of September, Kingsley Shacklebolt and Mad-Eye Moody sat inside Dumbledore's office. The headmaster stormed through the doors after the men had been waiting a little while - fashionably late, as always.

"I've called this meeting of us three as we have to find out where Potter is. We cannot win this war without him."

"I'm sure he must have been kidnapped by those damn death eaters. He loves Hogwarts, he'd never leave early on purpose." Moody said, his eye going haywire.

"They must have gotten him over the summer." Kingsley said, holding his head in his hands.

"The Dursley's house got sold too, right Albus?" Moody asked.

"Yes - and I was looking into it the other day - according to the National Archives, they've passed away." The Headmaster's words were met with gasps.

"Not Petunia, she was a lovely woman." said Moody.

"Even Dudley?" Dumbledore nodded. "He was only a child, what a cruel act. It has to have been the death eaters." Kingsley said, his face falling. Dumbledore smiled in sympathy, looking down at his lap.

"Do you think Malfoy's homeschooling have anything to do with it?" Moody questioned after a moment of silence.

"I doubt it. I imagine Lord Malfoy just wanted him safe, as any father would." Dumbledore replied. Suddenly, Kingsley left his seat and ran to the pensive. He pressed his wand to his forehead and pulled out a memory. He threw it into the liquid and cast a spell to make a projection above the bowl. The liquid became a mist, and the mist became Kingsley reading the Daily Prophet. Mist-Kingsley held the paper closer to his face, and started to read it out loud.

"'Potter and Malfoy - Boyfriends?' - What? No, not Harry, not a Malfoy.

As all know, Harry Potter, the chosen one, has recently 'come out of the closet'  as bisexual. Yesterday, he was spotted in an empty classroom with none other than Draco Malfoy. Is Harry Potter dating the heir to the Malfoy fortune? Is Draco Malfoy gay? Or have they formed an alliance against Dumbledore? Or against You-Know-Who?'  This is horrid, absolutely not."

Kingsley waved the apparition away. Moody looked thoughtful, whilst Dumbledore looked passively angry.

"Could Potter be at Malfoy Manor?" Moody asked.

"Only one way to find out. Sunday evening, 7pm. Meet here, let everyone know. I'll come up with a plan. You can go." Kingsley and Moody nodded, and left. Dumbledore looked at the picture of Lily, James and a baby Harry on his desk. His finger ran over Harry's face.

"Oh Harry, you cannot escape from me."


I feel like I owe you all an apology. This year has been crazy stressful, I've been in such a bad place and I've been close to self deletion more than once.

It also happened to be GCSE year, which for anyone who isn't British it's the equivalent of OWLs but worse cos they're real. I got through them tho and passed all 9, so go me. I'm at college now and doing a-levels (NEWTs) and in a slightly better place.

I apologise for not having the motivation or inspiration for this story, but I have an ending in sight now so that's great. I also realized I have ADHD so that probably has a lot to do with the motivation thing lol

I you've all had a good 8 months since I last published (wow) and I hope you have another good 8 months before I publish again (maybe cos I've done this it'll happen sooner who knows)

I hope you all have a good holiday season and I hope you enjoyed this short ass chapter

and before you ask yes I did have to read the entire story before writing this. I will not be surprised if you did the same lol

peace 🤙

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