Chapter 22

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⚠️Fair warning, there is a lovely little bit of ✨homophobia✨ in here, so be warned⚠️

3rd Person POV

"M'Lord?" came a voice, as Neville tumbled out of the fireplace, onto Platform 9¾. He came face to face with a black-haired, green-eyed man; Tom in disguise.

"Yes, Neville?" Neville leaned forward, and relayed to Tom what he had witnessed back at the Manor, whispering so as not to let half of the student body of Hogwarts know anything confidential.

"Right, thanks for telling me, I shall... speak to Bella later." He turned around, side-eying the Malfoys. They were standing a little while down the platform, keeping up their emotionless facade. Harry, Pyxis and Neville stood in front of Tom. Neville was shyly staring at Blaise, who was standing with his mum a few metres down the platform, but not too far away for parting pain to be too bad, like it was the day Neville went to get Ginny and Luna.

"Right, Neville, Harry, remember the plan?"

"Yes Father, I was staying at Neville's house as Ron and I have fallen out, and you and Pyx are Longbottom family friends, come to drop us off."

"We shall still be in Gryffindor, and Harry shall keep up his golden boy mask, keeping a good distance from anything to do with Slytherin, unless it's me and Blaise as everyone knows we're mates."

"Good, good. Now, off you go, and Harry, if anything happens don't hesitate to owl me." Tom said, waving his son onto the train. Harry and Neville waved back, and Harry got onto the train, and Neville went straight into Blaise's waiting arms. As they were early,  Harry found a compartment easily.

"Psst, Potter!" Harry looked to the door, and saw Draco standing there.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry said, trying not to smile.

"I just wanted to ask-" he looked around, checking the cost is clear.

"-if you knew anywhere we could meet up, as in with out anyone knowing, apart from Blasie, Nev, Luna and Gin, I mean."

"Yeah, I know a place. Meet me outside the Slytherin dorms after curfew tonight, and I'll show you."

"Sounds good." Draco's head snapped up as he heard a bunch of giggles coming from outside; it was twenty to eleven, high time for people to come and catch the train. Draco blew Harry a kiss, and closed the compartment door to go and find Crabbe and Goyle.

Shortly afterwards, a loud gaggle of redheads consisting of Ron, Molly, Arthur, Ginny and the twins came onto the platform. Hermione was practically attached to Ron's arm, and Ginny was talking very animatedly about something to the twins, who looked like they were out to give some innocent first years a fright with some new products of theirs.

Harry got out a book on useful domestic spells, and read until Luna and Ginny came into the compartment, holding hands. For the most of the journey, Ginny and Harry played wizards chess and exploding snap, Luna either doing various seer stuff in the corner like Tarot cards and Divination, or talking to the others with her head on Ginny's lap. About halfway through the journey, the trolley lady came. Harry bought some chocolate frogs, some Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and a Pumpkin Pastie. Luna bought some Cauldron Cakes and some Fizzing Whizzbees, and Ginny bought some liquorice wands and a sugar quill.

As the train began to slow, various protests from the 5th, 6th and 7th years came down the carriages to tell students to change into uniform. Unfortunately for Harry and the girls, it was Ron who came to their door.

"Potter, Luna, Sis, you better get changed or else you'll be late."

"Nice to see you too, Ron." Harry said snidely, turning to put the exploding snap pack back in his bag.

"What do you want, Potter? Want to spread you horrid little gay touch around the whole school? You've already rubbed off on my sister, and I hate you for it." Harry looked up from his bag to retort, but Ron was already gone.

"What a coward, Harry. C'mon, Gin, let's go get changed and leave Harry in peace." Luna stated in her dreamy voice. She took Ginny's hand, and dragged her towards the girl's toilets, her uniform in her arms. (I wish you all to remember that Luna is ace, so don't be getting any ideas, and get your darn mind out the gutter)

Once they arrived, everyone clambered into the carriages. Harry, Luna and Ginny shared a carriage. Harry looked out the front, past the thestral's head, and saw his boyfriend staring back at him. He gave a smile, which Draco happily returned.

A/N - but of a filler chapter ngl, but of fluff, you know

my friend KidsGoToBed and I have a running joke about Harry Potter's murder family

it's Harry, his emo boyfriend Draco, his dad Voldemort and Draco's parents

amd I believe she is gonna try and draw them, and she is an amazing artist so that'll be great

also 12.5k?? h o w thats about 2.5k read in 4 days, I believe

anyway, thanks so much for reading, imma go to sleep now

peace ✌

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