Chapter 11

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⚠️TW: abuse, I'll say when it starts and ends ⚠️

Harry's POV

I sat against the wall staring at the clock.

5:59 am

As the numbers changed to say 6:00, I heard the click of the locks being undone from the other side of the door.  It was opened to reveal Uncle Vernon standing in the doorway, staring at me like I'm a waste of space. But in his eyes, I am.

"Boy! Get up and make me some breakfast, I have to be at work early today!"

"Yes Uncle Vernon."

"And Dudley is coming home from Smeltings today, and some of his friends are coming to stay. I expect you to tidy up Dudley's room for him, and your room for the guests. You'll be back in your cupboard for this.... period of time you are with us."

I could tell he didn't want to say 'holiday'. Anytime spent here is anything but a holiday.

"Yes Uncle Vernon."

I got all my chores done quickly and without problem that morning, although Aunt Petunia still criticised my coffee making skills, earning me a small burn on the stove. The real problem came when Uncle Vernon came home from work looking grumpy, with three boys in tow.

"Uncle Vernon. Dudley. Piers. And... I don't belive I know you. My name is Harry Potter, pleasure to make your acquaintance." I had always been taught to be polite and respectful, and that means introducing yourself to someone if you have never met them.

"Morgan. Morgan Emerys."

I tried to keep my face calm. Emerys was well known to be a last or another name for Merlin. There must have been a squib in the line, hence Morgan being a muggle. I nodded at him, turning around and heading towards the kitchen.

As I was making dinner and listening to Uncle Vernon going on about losing his pay rise, I studied Morgan. He reminded me of the Tom Riddle that was in the diary; tall, thin, aristocratic face. The only difference was the Malfoy-blonde colour of his hair.

'He must have magical heritage' I thought.


After the three boys had gone upstairs, I stood over the sink doing the washing up. Uncle Vernon had gona to get something from his car, and Aunt Petunia had gone to the bathroom. Perfect timing for an owl to show up at the window.

I went over to it and undid the letter. It flew away immediately. I opened it and saw a very short message.

                 We are coming tonight.

I smiled, first at the nicknames and second at the fact I realised I was getting out.

I shoved the note in my pocket and carried on with the dishes. That is, until Uncle Vernon came in, grumbling about how he couldn't find what he was looking for.

⚠️TW: abuse starts here, I'll put a summary at the end⚠️

I felt his eyes on the back of my head. I knew exactly what was coming.

"Why aren't you done with those dishes yet boy?!"

"There was one particularly greasy one, Uncle Vernon."

"Not good enough boy."

He was walking closer to me. He reached out for the nearest thing to hit me with: a frying pan that had just come out of the hot washing up water.

I was in for it.

The first blow was to my right side. I bit down on my lip so as not to scream. I would get in worse trouble if I did.

The second was to my left shoulder; there was a small crack. He had broken my collarbone. Again.

The third was to my head, not enough to knock me out but enough to make me groan.

As I realized what I had done, I took one look at the doorway. I knew Dudley and Piers would be asleep by now, and Aunt Petunia was wise enough to stay upstairs when Uncle Vernon got angry.

Morgan looked at me with wide eyes. He backed away, but I didn't hear footsteps going up the stairs. All I was focused on was the belt buckle that had just been whipped across my shin.

And again.

And again.

And again.

By the time he was finished, I had silent tears falling down my face.

"Finish the dishes and then to your cupboard."

"Y-yes Uncle."


(Summary: Vernon came up to Harry and hit him 3 times with a frying pan that had just been washed, meaning it was hot and would leave marks. He then proceeded to hit Harry's shins with a belt. Morgan came in during this, but backed away and did nothing.)


As I finishes the dishes after Uncle Vernon left, I heard a voice behind me.

"Psst. Potter!"

I knew that voice.


I spun around to see Morgan standing there.


"No you idiot, it's me, ferret. I came like this with a notice-me-not charm on to see what these.... people do to you. Now c'mon, let's get you out of here. The others are round the corner in the park somewhere."

I could see it was true, as Morgan's features started to soften into Draco's, hair straightening a bit.

"Got everything packed?"

"Never unpacked."

A/N - hope I did a good summary of the abuse, please tell me if not  :)

Most of my ideas come to me while I'm writing, so Morgan was born today, whether he come back only satan knows.

And now, I want to settle this debate:

Draco top and Harry bottom?


Harry top and Draco bottom?


Are they both switches?

I hope I started a war in the comments.

Hope you enjoyed!

See ya ♡

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