Chapter 19

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-Fred shall always speak first-

3rd person POV

Luna and Ginny sat in Ginny's bedroom playing with Wizard's Chess and getting to know one another.

"Luna, Ginny, you have a visitor!" Luna looked at Ginny with confusion.

"Were you expecting anyone Gin?"

"Not that I know of." There were footsteps coming up the stairs, which led to Neville standing in the doorway. Luna and Ginny knew he had come into his inheritance, and they knew Blaise was his mate. This is why they weren't surprised to see Neville's pointed ears, small frame and forest green eyes.

"Hi Nev, what are you doing here?" Ginny asked. Luna gave him a knowing look. The Lovegood family had a history the seers, and much to her father's delight, Luna was gifted with the talent of seeing the future. Neville turned around and locked the door, placing a silencing charm on it.

"Luna, you already know why I'm here, being a seer and all, but you, Ginny, do not. Harry told me about the conversation he and Draco had with you." Neville said, sitting down.

"You both know the dark isn't what it seems." Luna and Ginny nodded.

"You both know the light is lying to everyone about more or less everything?" Neville asked looking to Luna in particular, who was nodding in time with her girlfriend.

"Luna, I'm guessing you know that Harry was adopted by the Dark Lord." Luna was taken aback by this.

"No, that is something I didn't know." Luna said, shocked.

"Well, he did, have that brings me to the point of coming. Luna, Ginny, m'Lord and Harry would like you to become," He looked at the door, making sure they were alone.

"Spies for the Dark." As soon as that was said, Fred and George apperated into the room.

"George, you said we'd be in the living room!"

"Fred, YOU said we'd be in the kitchen!"

"If it helps, you're in my bedroom." Ginny said, clearly annoyed.


"-Thank you."

"Right we heard-"

"-Something about the dark side-"

"-We want in." The twins ended together.

"Of course, you can come back with me if you like. But first, Luna and Ginny, do you accept the proposal?"

"Yes, I do." Luna said, as she knew it would result in good for Wizarding Britain.

"Yes, of course." Ginny said, a little hesitant, but wherever Luna goes her girlfriend would be sure to follow.

"Fred, George, we needed alibi. Can you tell Mum me and Luna are coming to stay above the shop with you?" Ginny asked.

"Yes, sounds-

"-Good to us."

"Right, I'll take Ginny and Luna, Ms. Zabini, Blaise's mum, told me how to apperate. Fred, George, go and do whatever you need to do, I'll meet you at your flat in an hour." Neville said, standing up.

"Do we need to bring anything?" Ginny asked, walking over to her bag, ready to pack if need be.

"Bring some essentials, clothes, hairbrush, y'know. You'll have a bedroom, probably a twin for the both of you." Neville said. Luna went to magically expand her bag and shrink some of Ginny's clothes to fit her. Ginny took one of her larger bags and packed her favourite and most practical clothes. Fred and George left the room to go and see their mother.

"Ready to go?"



Harry was sitting in the library at Malfoy Manor, when he felt the wards bend. Draco popped his head around doors.

"Harry, Neville's back with Luna and Ginny." Draco said, smiling. Harry put his book down, and got up to walk over to his boyfriend. They exited the library and made their way to the private meeting room, where Tom was surely waiting.

As they entered the room, the boys saw Blaise and Neville, sitting on an elegant sofa in the corner of the room, Neville's head on Blaise's chest. Tom was sitting at the end of the meeting table, reading a book about dark creatures; it was obviously one he'd read before, as the spine had lines on it and the corners of the cover were slightly worn down.

"Hello Harry." Came Luna's dreamy voice. She was sitting on a chair, Ginny sitting beside her. She was clearly nervous, but she relaxed at side of Harry entering. What she was not expecting was him to be holding hands with Draco. Neville sat up at the sight of Harry.

"Harry, Fred and George... overheard us talking about the Dark side while I was at the Burrow. They said they wanted in, I have no clue why, but, with your Father's permission, I am bringing them here in about 40 minutes."

"Brilliant, I was planning on talking to them anyway to see if they were ok with holding an alibi for Ginny, but if they want to join too, even better."

"Right, we'll wait for Fred and George to arrive before we start, as then we won't have to do this meeting twice." Tom said, looking up at his son.

There was a sudden crash, and Draco pulled Harry out of the way of the person coming through the the door. Tom stared at the person in utter disbelief.


A/N - hehehe

And y'all will have to wait a week or so


I know it's shorter than usual, but it's been in the works for a couple of days and I wanted to get it out.

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