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The girl I see is pretty, but not nearly perfect. Her looks might steel someones breath; Her long, shiny hair, her clear, soft skin and the way her clothes fit to her body shape, might let a person get jealous. But what really is happening inside her, might not be what everyone else would have expected. Maybe she plays an act and everyone believes her. Maybe there is a monster inside her to equilibrate her angelic facade. It is possible, that she is pretending to love herself to let everybody think that she is okay, but maybe she really does like who she is. The girl I see seems confident, but insecure at the same time. Her appearance is the one thing, that draws other people towards her, but her beauty doesn't define her.

The girl I see is me.

"You ready?" Pansy's soft voice appears next to me and I turn my head to give her a slight smile and I nod to illustrate that I am ready.

My best friend is already standing at our door, carrying her bag filled with books over her shoulder, waiting for me.

I take a last look at the girl in front of me before I step away from the mirror to walk towards my roommate.

"Ready you two?" Blaise asks us when we arrive in the common room and when we nod yes, my two best friends, Theo and I leave for our next lesson.

The lack of motivation might be obvious, but I don't want to pretend that I'm happy about attending my classes, because I'm not. I would rather return to my dorm, but I keep walking with the others instead.

The staircases are crowded with students and the four of us hurry towards the third floor, not wanting to be late to Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Professor Snape is already standing next to his desk, waiting for all of us to arrive. I'm glad that he got the job for DADA this year, because he is really teaching us the subject, not like all the others who were here before him.

Not many students, who are not in Slytherin house, like him because of the cold and a bit scary expression on his face. But he really isn't that bad. If he likes you, you have nothing to fear.

"There is no need to sit down. We immediately start with todays lesson and if you don't want me to stupefy you out of the way, you better walk to the back of the classroom." he says with his unmotivated voice, causing all of us to take a few steps back until we are positioned at the back of the classroom.

Snape waves his wand and the tables disappear so that the centre of the room is completely empty.

"We will begin with the practice of nonverbal spells today. Each of you will present your ability and I would be pleased if not everyone in your year would be a failure."

"I will pair you with another student and you will find an empty space to practice and disarm your opponent without speaking."

I'm not sure what to think about todays work assignment, but I'm positive that it won't be a total disaster.

"God, I really hope you and I will be paired together. Blaise would be okay too I think, but I don't want to embarrass myself in front of him."

"Oh come on Pans, don't say that! I'm sure it won't be too bad." I encourage my friend, silently wishing to be paired with her too.

Snape's long, black cloak gives the illusion that he is floating to the other side of his desk, picking up the list with the names on it.

"You will stay the way I paired you and I won't make any exceptions."

"Bulstrode and Smith. Thomas and Goyle. Zabini and Nott. Abbott and Parkinson..."

"Oh hell no." Pansy whispers in my ear, her voice sounding annoyed. She strolls off in the direction where the Hufflepuff girl is standing and I'm left alone, waiting for my name to be called out.

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