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𝚘𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷𝚜𝚝, 𝟷𝟿𝟿𝟼

Fear is a strong and unpleasant emotion. The main part of the population doesn't like that feeling, mostly because of the fact that they feel unable to do anything to overcome it, they feel helpless. 

They start shaking, shivers run down their spine and their wobbly knees threaten to give in, letting them crumble down in front of the thing or person that caused that fear in the first place. 

A lot of people don't know how to deal with a situation that fears them. Speaking up often doesn't work as they wish because their mouth goes dry or it feels like their lips are glued together. Pretending that everything is fine sounds good, but only a few people can manage to play cool. Normally, a person isn't able to control their sweating or their shaking if they really are scared.

Of course, the adrenalin is rushing through their blood, making sure that the body gets more energy in case it has to defend itself against the attacker. But it takes a great deal to pluck up the courage to actually do something in the first place. 

You can't just snap with your finger and wish for the fear to go away, that's not possible. 

In a situation in which fear controls you, you have three main possibilities to choose from. 

The first option is that you do nothing. You stand petrified on the exact same spot and you can either look your attacker in the eyes or you avoid their gaze. If you are lucky, you get away if the thing or person that scares you leaves you alone, loses interest in you. If you have bad luck, your fear becomes real.

Another option is that you step forward, do what feels like the impossible and either succeed or fail. the good thing is that you don't stay back, don't let that fear get you without even trying to do something against it. 

The last option would be to run away from your fear. For a lot of people this is the most tempting option, because you don't really act against your attacker, but you don't do nothing either. It's risky, there is no doubt, but if your plan works, the fear is gone. Of course, it's only temporary and the possibility that the fear returns is high, but you did it once, you can most likely run away another time.

For me, the last option sounds really good right now, but I know that I don't actually have an option to choose from. 

I'm moving forward, but at the same time I feel like me feet carry me in the wrong direction. 

The cold morning breeze lets goosebumps rise all over my body, but I'm sure that it's not only because of the cold. 

My body feels like it's about to freeze, but a second later I want to rip my body free from my clothes, feeling like I'm burning. 

My heart is pounding fast and it feels like it's going to explode inside me. It's not a new feeling for me, to be honest I've experienced far worse, but that doesn't mean that I will ever get used to it.

People often tend to say that you just have to face your fear in order to get rid of it, but it's nothing but lies.

Let's say a thunderstorm is about to reach its high. Little children are scared of the loud noise, are afraid of getting struck by lightning. Parents try their best to let their children feel more comfortable. They tell fairytales of how important it is that the sky lets out its anger, needing us to hear and see his rage by sending thunder and lightning to us. Parents try to show their children the beauty behind the fear. The bright shapes on the grey sky look extraordinary and they try to impress the little ones by looking at the lightning bolts.

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