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I'm listening to music, but no one around me is singing or playing an instrument.

My ears get blessed with the sounds I'm hearing, but no voices reach me.

Usually, there a people who write songs about whatever subject they fancy. Sometimes it's the feeling of love, their interpretation of this supposedly strong emotion they want to tell the world.

Love is different for everybody. Some might think that it is just an addition, something you are given and you have the chance to take it and maybe make your life a bit better. It's not necessary to have someone who loves you to the moon and back and you don't have to feel that exact feeling for anyone either. You have yourself and if everything went well, you are able to love yourself and that self-love might be more important and more valuable than the love any other person could give you.

For others however, love is something they don't want to miss out on and they desire to find that one person that helps them to truly live, that one person that is willing to built a whole night sky with you, a night sky on which you are the brightest star. A lot of human beings are afraid that they will never find their significant other, that they will be left on their own without having anyone who can teach them how to properly love.

Easy said, love can be a dessert or a whole meal. 

A dessert is something no one would say no to, but you don't necessarily need it. Life goes on without it and some might just not crave that kind of sweetness. Some are just better off on their own and they don't need someone who will exist next to them because they simply said have themselves and that's enough for them. It's a dessert some might want, but others rather reject.

On the other side, there are individuals which see love as a whole meal and already small children are taught to never skip a repast because they need it in order to grow strong, to live. The feeling of having someone who will stand by their side no matter how hard everything is, is something a lot of people find comfort in and it is something I want to achieve too, someday at least. It's a meal you crave to have because you feel like you'd die if you didn't have it. 

I believe in love because my parents have shown me that it does exist. I dream of that one person who will choose me out of everybody else. Love is something I want, but it is also something I'm afraid to never have. Maybe I'm the one exception, maybe I'm just meant to dream but not to experience. 

Besides love there are uncountable things singers choose to sing about. Hatred they feel towards someone and they rather express it with their voice because they can't speak directly to that one person the song is addressed to. 

Some also try to overcome their fears by singing about them, having hope to put it in a nice way which lets the things seem less frightening. 

I could go on and on about every possible topic, keep thinking until my brain goes empty, but it would be to no use because it's not that kind of music that blesses my ears anyway.

For someone my age, it might seem a bit strange to associate the singing birds or the running water from the stream next to me with music, but for me it is normal. I'm someone who would consider themselves as rather lonely even if I have friends who are around me all day. I'm never alone, but I somehow am always lonely.

People can be exhausting and if I feel like I need a break from everybody and the whole world, so I go outside and search for something that can keep me company. It doesn't have to be a real thing and it doesn't have to be something ordinary, I just need the feeling of having something around me, something I can escape reality with if it gets too much.

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