Chapter 2

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-Sapphire's POV-

My body felt like a rock and my head was pounding. I didn't want to open my eyes and face the world, I just wanted to carry on sleeping but I had school to get to.

I flicked my eyes open only I wasn't met with the usual grey celling, nor did I feel like I was lying on my sofa.

I lifted my hands to push myself up, but I was cut off.

"Hey, take it easy, you were badly hurt," a soft voice said.

I blinked and forced my head to turn. What I saw made me sit up despite the heaviness in my body and the persistent aches.

A man and woman were stood there, I couldn't help but stare at them, pointed ears poked through their hair, and his eyes. I thought I might be sick, because they were violet eyes, meaning I was in the Night Court, in Prythian, in my favourite book.

This wasn't happening, this was just my mind projecting me into a fictional world because it was dying, and it wanted to make that easier. I was probably on my way to the hospital.

"Breathe," Feyre said softly, and I tried to draw a breath in.

They glanced at each other, no doubt mind talking. I realised that my mind was wide open for them so I quickly built up a rippling black shield around it, hopefully enough of one that I would tell if they tried to get through.

Why did I do that if this wasn't real though, I was so confused, and sore, I just wanted to have a peaceful evening after dance, to put dad to bed then do a little homework before sleeping.

I stared down at my hands, the scars were still there, no new ones and none missing, surely my dying mind wouldn't be this accurate. But if this was real then I was inside my favourite book world, with the people who unknowingly kept me alive since I first read about them.

"Hey, it's ok, you're ok." Feyre said gently as she sat on the bed next to me.

This was the High Lady of the Night Court, and that was the High Lord, and they were talking to me. Dad tried to kill me again and then I fell through my floor into a book, I was most definitely going insane.

I was way too young for this to be happening, in my twelve years of life I have never heard of anything so crazy. Amy would probably be finding this amazing, she always loved to go on adventures.

My heart ached at the thought of her, ever since she died my life had slowly been spiralling downwards and I think I may have just hit the bottom. Vicky, my dance teacher, had given me A Court of Thorns and Roses after her death, she told me they were technically a little too old for me, but she thought the characters might help.

I had been a little sceptical at first, but she was right, I had almost immediately fallen in love with Feyre. I hated Tamlin form the get go, he reminded me too much of my father but the Rhys at the end of the first book reminded me of Amy and I couldn't help but love him too.

I realised I had been lost in my own world, and I was crying, it didn't happen often, but tears usually accompanied the thought of Amy. Feyre was holding me against her, running her fingers though my hair and rubbing soothing circles on my back.

The simple affection made me sob harder, I had no one like that in my life, no one who would just hold me as I cried. My body hurt with each sob, but I gave up caring about any of that, the pain was a welcome distraction.

It didn't take long for the tears to exhaust my body to the point where staying awake wasn't an option and I allowed the gentle tug at the back of my mind to pull me under.

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