Chapter 21

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-Aelin's POV-

Sapphire fell limp, eyes closed, and I let out a long breath, I could do nothing now other than wait.

"Do you know what poison it was?" The healer asked me.

"I'm not even from this world, I don't know where I am let alone what poisons this place has," I snapped, and Tarquin put a hand on my shoulder.

"Take a breath, Rhysand knows where she is now, if he brings Feyre then she will be ok." he told me.

A piece of paper appeared next to Sapphire's limp hand, and I picked it up.

'We are on our way, hold on.'

Rhys had written, not a second later he appeared in the room with us, Feyre and Mor with him.

"No," Rhys breathed, looking at Sapphire's limp body.

"The portal spat us out above Spring and Tamlin got us, he put poisoned arrows through her wings," I summed up.

"My blood, she needs to drink some of my blood," Feyre said as she took a step forward.

"I'll wake her," Rhys said and Feyre dipped her chin, slitting her wrist as she walked to Sapphire's side.

She stirred and Feyre held out her wrist.

"Drink it Saph," Feyre told her softly and she did.

After three mouthfuls she fell limp once more.

"Where is Blake?" I asked.

"Velaris, he wasn't feeling good, now we know why," Mor told us.

"We should get back there, thank you for helping her Tarquin," Rhys said, and the male gave him a tight smile.

Rhys took Sapphire while Feyre me and Mor to the City of Starlight.

As soon as we landed Rowan ran to me and held me close.

"You shouldn't just jump through portals!" He snarled at me once he let me go.

I ignored him as I went to see if Sapphire was ok, I couldn't help but think this was all my fault.

Rhys and Feyre were in a room with Sapphire and Blake both unconscious on a bed.

"This is all my fault," I whispered.

"No, it isn't, it's Tamlin's," Feyre told me, taking my hand.

"We should leave them to rest, they will be ok now that Saph drank some of Feyre's blood," Rhys said, and I followed him downstairs, the two leopards and one bird guarding them.

-Sapphire's POV-

My body was burning, even breathing hurt.

"Easy Saph, relax," Blake's soft voice said from next to me.

"Blake?" I muttered, a little confused.

"I'm here, you're ok," he whispered, fingers gently combing through my hair.

"My wings," I whispered, remembering that Tamlin had doe something to them.

"They're ok Saph, do you want to banish them?" he asked, fingers still moving through my hair.

"Yes," I breathed.

"Ok, here, you can lean against me," he said gently as he lifted my limp body up and lay me against him, my head resting on his shoulder.

I banished my wings and immediately felt lighter.

"Do you think you can open your eyes?" Blake asked as he began to run his fingers through my hair once more.

I opened them and found that the room was thankfully dimly lit. I looked up at my mate who was smiling down at me.

Tears pooled in my eyes and he immediately looked concerned, brushing my tears away as they escaped.

"It's ok, you're going to be ok," he whispered as he held me closer.

"He poisoned me, didn't he?" I asked, voice shaking as I remembered what happened.

"Yes, but you will be ok, I promise," he told me, kissing the top of my head.

"Sapphire?" Feyre's soft voice said from outside.

She walked in with Rhys close behind her. Rhys visibly sagged in relief when he saw me sat up.

"Hi," I said with a small smile.

"You feeling, ok?" Feyre asked.

"Yeah, a little sore but otherwise fine, probably thanks to you," I told her with a grin.

"Yeah, I hope you don't mind," she said with a small blush.

"I'm alive, I'm taking that as a win," I told her and she smiled.

"Aelin is chomping at the bit to see you," Rhys said.

"Why does that not surprise me in the slightest." I said with a eye roll.

"Well she definitely seems to be feeling ok," Rhys teased, I just stuck my tongue out at him.

With a little help from Blake I got up and dressed, even though both Feyre and Rhys wanted me to stay in bed another day but as soon as I learnt I had been out for nearly a week I refused.

He didn't let me walk on my own down the stairs even though I told him over and over that I was fine.

Everyone was in the sitting room, apparently waiting for us. Aelin got up and took my hands.

"I'm so sorry," she said softly, and I saw Rowan choke on his tea, I smirked.

"It's all right, really, you didn't know where we were going to be thrown out and Tamlin is the one who actually hurt me, not you." I told her and she smiled slightly.

"Still my fault," she muttered and I caught her arm as she turned from me.

"if you continue blaming yourself for one more minute I will personally give you the tongue lashing you deserve, Tamlin's actions are not yours, if he wasn't such a prick we wouldn't be here and if anyone other than him is to blame then it is myself because I forgot that ash doesn't work on you." I told her, not letting go of her arm.

To my surprise Aelin burst out laughing, I let her go so she could double over.

Everyone was looking at her in shock, including her court. When she finally stopped laughing she turned to me.

"This lot never had the nerve to tell me that. I think I quite like you Sapphire." She said with a wink.

"I think I like you too Aelin Ashvyer Whitehorn Galathynius." I said, not tripping over her name once.

"What is it with you people and long names?" Mor grumbled.

This just made Aelin laugh even harder than before, and we all soon joined in.

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