Chapter 15

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We flew back to the camp together, with the camp empty we didn't need to worry about being spotted.

"Go and join the camp, it will look too suspicious otherwise," I told him, and he nodded as I walked to the house.

I got in and saw Rhys pacing around the small space.

"Thank the mother you are ok." He sighed as he pulled me against him.

"Sorry I yelled at you, you were right, I shouldn't be pushing everything away and taking my anger out by training." I whispered into his hair.

"Don't be sorry," he whispered back.

I pulled away and went to grab a drink.

"So, what are you all doing for the rest of the day?" I asked everyone.

"Me and Feyre are going back to Velaris, it has been made clear over and over that we aren't welcome here and it is making the males grumpy." Mor said, rolling her eyes.

"So, five drops to three," I said, sad they were leaving.

"If you need either of us, don't hesitate to send a note." Feyre said as they stood.

"See you in two weeks," Cassian said with a smile.

Feyre and Rhys kissed before both females winnowed away. I let out a small sigh but Athena and Hera both pounced on me and I laughed as they knocked me to the floor.

"It's good to see you too," I laughed.

'We're glad you're safe, we would like to ask you something though.'

Athena told me as we got up again.

"Of course, what is it?" I asked.

'We were hoping we could take you up on the offer to live in the hall that you gave us when we killed Kier, his sons destroyed our home.'

Hera told me, looking sad.

"Hang on, let me ask Rhys." I said.

'You don't have to say yes.'

Athena told me but I wanted them to be safe.

"Rhys, could Athena and Hera live in Velaris, Keir's sons destroyed their home and have been hunting them for the past year, Velaris is the only safe place." I said.

"They are your responsibility, but I don't see why not, your room in the manor is massive. The citizens are used to random animals walking the streets to come and ask you things so they shouldn't mind." He replied, eyes twinkling.

"Thank you," I said with a grin.

'The City of Starlight,'

Hera said dreamily, I couldn't help my giggle.

"The city is surrounded by mountains and forests, so you don't need to feel confined to the actual city either." I said and both of them purred in delight.

"I will never forget the day those two white tigers came down from the mountains to talk to you, that was the first really dangerous animal to walk the streets, the citizens all hid in their homes." Cassian laughed.

"I had to make an announcement describing your power to them and that if they see any kind of animal in their midst to just leave it alone and it would find Saph, since then so many animals of various species have walked the streets, so everyone is used to it," Rhys continued.

"Right, I don't know about you two, but I would like to actually get something productive done today," I cut in before either of them could start gossiping about anything else.

For the next week and a half my life fell into a soothing pattern, wake up, eat, help with the girl's training, train with the males, wash and change, go for a walk through the forest with Blake, home, eat, sleep, repeat.

"So, you're going home?" Blake asked on our usual nightly walk.

"I am, I was only coming here to show the girls that they should keep trying and I have done that now." I told him with a small smile.

"I'm going to miss you," he said, looking down.

"I'll write, I promise." I said with a small smile.

"You better or I'll fly down to Velaris to check on you," he teased.

"How does every other day at the most sound?" I asked.

"Perfect." He said with a grin just as we got to camp.

He hugged me goodbye before I winnowed into the house, that way we weren't seen together.

"You ready to go kiddo?" Cassian asked me.

"I am, I guess I'll be winnowing the animals?" I asked.

"I'm definitely not," Rhys said as he grabbed Cassian's arm.

I took a paw in each hand and Tori latched onto my shoulder as usual. I looked around the house one last time before winnowing back home. 

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