Chapter 10

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We arrived in the Hewn city in a flurry of darkness. Tori refused to leave my shoulder and was currently tucked between my neck and wall of unbound hair to hide her from sight, we included her in the plan in the end so she had something to do.

Mor entered first in her stunning red gown followed by Cassian and Azriel. Rhys winked at me before his mask slipped on and he also walked into the hall, Feyre at his side.

I couldn't help but shiver as his power pulsed around me, but it didn't scare me.

Hidden in the shadows just outside the entrance to the hall I watched as everyone fell to their knees.

Both Feyre and Rhys sat and swept their eyes over the room.

"Rise," Feyre commanded, these were not the people I had come to know.

"We know you have heard of the latest addition to my court, I should warn you, if any of you so much as look at her the wrong way you will die, and she won't make it quick." He said, his gaze ice cold.

I couldn't stop my grin as people shuffled, he had already established me as a threat, and they hadn't even seen me.

"Allow me to introduce Sapphire, my niece." Rhys continued.

That was my que, I strode through the doors, my head held high. The crowd parted for me and I stopped at the foot of the dais. I sank into a low curtsy (I had to prove to Rhys beforehand that I could do so without wobbling.)

"Rise," he told me, and I did, walking up the steps to stand at his side.

I stared over the crowd, my eyes immediately spotting Kier, he already looked grossed out by me, that would just make this more fun.

"How come we have never heard of her?" Kier sneered.

Rhys nodded at me to answer.

"I was born in another world, a world without magic, a world that Kiara fell into just before her killing blow could hit. She married my father, had me. The same thing happened to me but in reverse, I landed here, so you can sneer at me all you like Kier, but you don't frighten me." I told him, a slight growl lacing my words.

'You tell him!'

Tori tweeted and I had to actively fight my grin.

"Are you not going to reprimand her?" Kier asked Rhys.

"Why should I, she was answering your question, as for her last words, I would say she is being kind for giving you a second warning after mine." He said, eyes flashing.

'Go and embarrass him.'

I walked down the steps of the dais, so I was facing him, even though I had to look up to meet his eyes.

As I watched him, I lifted up my hand and brushed my hair back to allow Tori to fly out and land on my finger, I still didn't break eye contact.

"You know what to do," I told her.

'I will be back soon.'

She tweeted before flying over the stunned crowd and out of the hall.

"I have a question for you Kier and I expect you to answer it truthfully," I told him, arms crossed over my middle.

He glanced at Rhys who I assume glared at him.

"How would you like me to act, if you could control me, what would you tell me to do?" I asked him, hoping Tori didn't take too long.

"I would expect you to not talk, to be seen and not heard, and to keep your freakish bird to yourself," he snarled, I felt Rhys tense behind me, but Tori came back just then.

Screams came from the back of the room as two snow leopards stalked into the hall, Tori flying back to me and landed on my still exposed shoulder. People fled to the sides of the room in hope of escaping the beasts.

They came to stand either side of me and I put a hand on each of their backs so we could talk.

"If you ever try to silence me, or any other female for that matter, my two friends here will very gladly tear your limbs from your body, do you understand?" I asked him.

Much to my delight he paled.

'Can we have some fun?'

The leopard on my left asked.

"By all means, the only rule is you can't kill, even if I wish you could." I said and the two leopards purred in delight as they began to circle Kier.

"Call the brat off High Lord," Kier snapped.

"Why would I do that?" He asked, I could practically feel the amusement radiating off him.

'Their names are Athena and Hera, sisters, Athena is the one with the black end to her tail, Hera's is white.'

Tori told me as I watched them play with Kier. Greek gods, that was actually fitting.

"What are you?" Kier asked as Athena snapped at his leg, causing him to stumble back.

"I am many things, you are probably thinking something along the lines of bitch, brat, and insolent child, right? But I'm a woman, I am powerful, I am friends with every animal in this world, so know, Kier, that even the smallest insects report back to me, I will know if you disobey my command and nothing will stop Athena and Hera from coming for you, do you understand me?" I was enjoying this was too much.

He glared at me but didn't argue.

"Athena, Hera, you can let him go now," I said, and they came back to my sides.

'We didn't even get a bite,'

Hera grumbled. I looked down at her and her bright green eyes met mine, I gave her a sly grin and she purred.

"You needn't cower from them, they don't attack without my command," I told the still frightened crowd.

Slowly they began to fill the space once more, I kept my word and the two leopards stayed by my sides. As chatter broke out, I heard Kier hiss one word that was almost too low to hear.


My anger flared causing Athena and Hera to attack, easily pinning him to the floor.

"You were once told to never say that word, you were given a command from your High Lord and you just disobeyed him, if I remember correctly, he promised you a rather painful death of you were ever stupid enough to test him." I growled at him.

Rhys was instantly by my side, hand on my lower back. There was a brush of talons against my mind, and I let him in.

'What did he say?' Rhys asked me gently.

'He called me a whore,' I whispered, my voice breaking inside my mind at the word I knew held so much pain.

'Would your leopards like to kill him?' He asked after a pause.

"Athena, Hera come," I said as I extended my hands.

'We want to end him, can we?'

Both said in unison, I dipped my chin at Rhys who looked at Mor, then the leopards before back at me, dipping his own chin in acknowledgement.

"Yes," I told the leopards and they pounced.

As Keir screamed most people fled the hall, wanting to escape the two leopards. Mor's mother and brothers stayed for a bit longer than the rest before also running out.

"When you two have both filled your bellies you can either stay in this hall, you will be cared for, or you can go back out to the mountains, either way, should you ever need me, send a bird to me and I will come." I told the two leopards who paused to look up at me.

Athena walked over and pushed her head into my hand.

'Thank you for the offer but we wish to go home, if you even need us again to keep these monsters in line just send Tori to find us.'

I smiled at them both before they went back to eating Kier alive. I took Mor's outstretched hand, and she winnowed us home. 

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