Chapter 7

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When we were set back down, I couldn't stop my gasp as I took in our surroundings. The books did not do this place justice. I heard Feyre quietly chuckling from behind me, and I shot her a half-amused glare, she had felt the same once.

I walked with Mor to the room with the reflection pool. Only Helion and Thesean were here already.

"Rhysand, Feyre," Thesean greeted.

"Who is the new girl?" Helion asked.

"I'll introduce her when everyone else is here." Rhys smoothly replied.

"She looks just like Kiara," Helion commented.

"I am fully aware of that Helion," Rhys half snarled.

I couldn't be bothered to listen to them arguing over me and I followed the small tug I felt towards the water. I heard a couple of gasps as I knelt next to the pool.

"What happened to you?" Thesean gasped.

"Quite a lot," I replied without looking at him.

I dipped my fingers in the water and one of the fish, who I'm guessing is one of the ones from before, swam over to me.

It slid its small, scaled body between my fingers.

'Hello, you seem kind.'

I blinked in surprise. I turned to look at Rhys, but he was deep in conversation with the other High Lords.

I touched the fish again.

'Are you going to talk back?'

"What, just talk to you like this?" I whispered to it.

'Yes, I'm guessing you have never used your powers before.'

I blinked at the fish in surprise, it was staring at me.

"You mean, my power is to talk to fish?" I whispered to it.

'No, your power is rare, but you can talk to any animal, as long as you have a connection with them.'

I blinked at the fish in surprise, I can talk to animals?.

"How do you know that?" I whispered back.

'All animals know the feel of someone we can talk to, it practically ripples off you.'

Well this day could not get any stranger.

'My family would like to say hello.'

"I would like to say hello as well," I whispered to it.

All of the other fish in the pool immediately swam over to me, like ants to sugar. I couldn't stop my giggle as they all tried to brush against my hand at once.

'You're really pretty.'

One of the smallest fish said.

"Thank you, I have to disagree, but it is sweet you think so," I whispered to it and it nestled under one of my fingers.

'Are you aware you are being stared at?'

The original fish asked me.

"Yes, could you tell me who?" I asked it softly.

'The whole Night Court, Day Court, Dawn Court and the Summer Court'

It told me and I stifled my groan. I turned and sure enough, everyone was staring at me in silence.

"Were you just talking to my fish?" Thesean asked me.

"Oh, um, yes I was," I told him, keeping one hand in the water.

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