Chapter 22

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 With the portal connecting our worlds, and the time gap having sorted itself out because of it, we see each other a lot.

Normally it has something to do with Aelin trying to get out of a council meeting but it's always fun to see her. I showed her my scars, explaining how I got them, and when.

Her face had twisted with pure rage, and she had wanted to go and assassinate my father, but I told her very firmly that she couldn't. She had said it could be my Yulemas present to her, but I just rolled my eyes and walked away.

And now I am twenty-six, and lying on a bed, screaming an agony as I try and get the child that has been growing in me for the past ten months out.

Madja was helping but nothing could dull the pain, not Blake who was tightly gripping one hand, or Feyre who held the other. She had been in the same position not too long ago, birthing a son who she called Nyx.

The rest of my family were in the living room, all of them waiting with bated breath. Even Aelin had come with Lysandra and Elide but Madja would not allow them in the room. Athena and Hera were guarding the door, but Tori had flown away as soon as I started screaming.

I had been in labour for fourteen hours now and I was so damn tired, all I wanted to do was sleep for eternity but as another slash of pain pulsed through me, I knew that was not going to happen.

"You're doing so well Saph," Feyre said to me, holding my hand tightly.

"A couple more big pushes," Madja said and I tried not to look too relieved.

Another couple minutes of agony and pushing as hard as I could I heard the cries of my baby.

I fell limp, glad it was over, and exited to meet my baby.

Madja carefully placed them in Blake's arms as she helped to heal the damage the birth had done to me, fae births were dangerous and I wasn't in the clear yet.

Feyre was whispering words of comfort to me as she pressed a cool towel to my head, Blake held our child close, looking down at it with all the love in the world.

"Is it a boy or a girl Blake?" I breathed, I needed to know.

"A girl, a stunning girl." He said as Madja stood, giving me the all clear, but I was not to get out of this bed for at least a week.

Blake showed me our little girl and despite the tiredness threatening to overtake me, I reached out and touched her gently.

"I'm going to tell the others," Feyre said gently as she stood, placing the towel on the small table next to the bed and giving my hand a final comforting squeeze.

I heard Cassian's whoop of joy and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Sleep Sapphire, we can show them our baby when you wake." Blake said, holding the child in one arm while he used the other to carefully push my sweat soaked hair out of my face.

I awoke an hour later feeling so much better and I held our little girl for the first time. She was so beautiful, despite her heritage being three quarters Illyrian she had no wings, but I suspected she would be able to summon them, like I can.

We did visitors in two groups, close family first, Rhys walked in with Feyre, Mor, Amren, Cassian and Azriel as well as little Nyx who was now four.

"She's beautiful," Rhys breathed as he took her in.

"What have you called her?" Feyre asked and I looked at Blake who nodded.

"Kiara," I said, and Rhys's eyes filled with tears.

I gave Kiara to Blake as I pulled Rhys into a hug, Nyx jumping on the bed soon after and joining the hug.

When they left, mostly because Nyx wanted dinner, Aelin's court came in, Lysandra, Elide and,

"Manon?" I said in question.

"Asterin told me what was happening, I came as soon as I heard," she told me, smiling softly.

Children were precious to witches, of course she would come to the birth of mine. I wasn't surprised that Amren had told her before coming here, they had a portal connecting their homes and often spoke.

"Would you like to hold her?" I asked Manon gently and I felt Blake tense a little, but I knew Manon would be gentle and kind to my little girl.

Her eyes went a little wide before she walked to my side and lifted my child out of my arms.

"What is her name?" Aelin asked.

"Kiara, it was my mother's name, Rhys's sister, she died a long time ago before I really got to know her, it's my way of honouring her." I knew Aelin understood, she had named her first child Nehemiah, the little girl was just about to turn one.

"Yrene said she was going to come as soon as Michal and Chaol went on their hunting trip," Elide told me and I nodded, glad the healer would be here soon.

There was an insufferable yowl from the door and I smirked.

"You two can come in but no treading on my stomach," I told the two cats who pushed the door open with their big heads, Tori was sat on Athena's back.

Tori flew to me and landed on my head while both cats jumped on the end of the bed, laying on my feet so we could talk.

'She is so pretty,'

Hera purred.

"Her name is Kiara, and she might be able to talk to you," I told her, and I could have sworn they both smiled.

'I hope so, no offence Saph but talking to just you can get a little dull,'

Athena said, I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks, that is exactly what I wanted to hear today," I sighed, the sarcasm obvious.

Manon had given Kiara back to Blake who was still sat on the bed next to me.

"We will leave you to rest Saph, but we won't be going home until you are up and about," Aelin told me.

"Are you sure, you have kingdoms to run," I began but Aelin shook her head.

"No buts, we are staying, besides, the males are still at home, they can survive without us for a bit." Aelin cut in.

"It's the males being alone that worries me," I muttered and Lysandra snorted.

"Come on you two, leave her to rest," Elide said, taking their arms, Manon kissed Kiara's head softly before following them out and I once again allowed sleep to claim me. 

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