Chapter 27

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Two weeks later Yrene was happy for me to go to Windhaven with my family. The animals were going to stay at home, mostly because I didn't want a repeat of last time where they shot first, asked questions later, but partly because I want Delvon to focus on us.

"You ready?" Blake asked, looking at my Illyrian leathers and Kiara wrapped up tightly in a warm blanket.

"Let's go and give him hell." I said with a smirk.

He took my hand and I winnowed us to the camp, we hadn't told Delvon we were coming, we wanted it to a be surprise.

"Delvon," I called over to the male who was watching a couple of warriors sparing.

He looked up and his eyes widened.

He walked over with a scowl on his face, and I couldn't help but smirk.

"What are you doing here," he sneered at Blake who stiffened.

"My mate goes where I go, we came here to let you meet your granddaughter but if you are just going to insult us then we will leave, and you will never see her." I hissed.

He took in the bundle in my arm and seeming weighed up my words before inclining his head, Blake slipped and arm around my shoulders and we followed Delvon to his cabin.

"You're mates?" he asked once we were inside.

"Yes," Blake replied coldly.

"And she's, my granddaughter?" Delvon asked.

"She is her name is Kiara. I will warn you Delvon, if you start spewing any misogynistic bull we will leave, and Kiara will never return here, at least, not while you live." I warned him and he ran his fingers though his short hair.

"I never thought I would have children, my wife's cycles were always unpredictable, and it made conceiving so much harder, then we had Blake and I lost her. I was always hard on Blake, I wanted him to be the best, I hated everyone who got to have their wife's still because I missed my own so much. when you came along, and I saw the High Lord with his mate and you I couldn't help the jealousy that tore through me. I'm not expecting you to forgive me Blake, but I hope that you will at least tolerate me. As for you Sapphire, I will consider you as a daughter to me, you will always be welcome here." Tears ran down his cheeks and we were both caught off guard.

I passed Kiara to Blake and walked forwards, Delvon stiffened but I pulled him into a hug, my father was the same, so I understood.

"I forgive you," I told him quietly and he began to cry a little more.

"How, how can you forgive me after everything?" he asked once I had stepped back.

"I forgive you because I know what it is like to lose those you love, you had to grieve while being expected to be strong for your camp and I can only imagine how that must have hurt. I don't think you are a bad male Delvon, I think that you put up walls to stop people seeing the real you and you act how other want you too. I know, I did the same for a long time. So, know, Delvon, that when you are ready to start breaking those walls down, I'll help you." I told him and he stared at me in shock for a very long time.

I could feel the love and pride pulsing down the bond, but I didn't turn away from Delvon, taking his hands in mine.

"I don't deserve your help, or your affection," he whispered.

"Yes, you do, as far as I'm concerned, you're my father so I will help you whether it takes weeks, months or years," I told him, and he sank into a chair.

"Thank you," he whispered, and I smiled.

"Would you like to hold your granddaughter?" I asked and he looked at me, shocked.

"You would let me hold her?" he asked, I nodded.

Blake carefully placed Kiara into Delvon's arms, and I could see his hard outer wall crumble a little as he took her in.

When she wrapped her little hand around his finger, we both watched that wall fall completely, and I knew that Delvon was going to get better.

We spend the next five years at Windhaven, Delvon's walls all fell completely as he watched Kiara grow and the camp flourished under his rule, females trained alongside the males every day, clippings were banned, and anyone caught trying to clip anyone was punished swiftly and efficiently.

Kiara was learning how to fly under Delvon, and Blake's care and every Sunday Delvon took her out flying, at first Blake was overly concerned but when Kiara told us about what they got up to together Blake loved his father even more.

They would land in the only flower field around the steeps and Delvon taught Kiara how to make flower crowns, his wife used to weave flowers into baskets, and he learnt as he watched her work.

Windhaven was known as the strongest camp in the whole of Illyria and after three years of Delvon's new rules they started to adopt them as well, much to Cass and Rhys's amazement.

I was the first female to complete the Rite and although I didn't quite reach the monolith I made it three quarters of the way up the breaking, causing Blake and Delvon's pride to deepen.

It has been twenty years since I fell into this world, and I have loved every second of it.


I hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it, as always your comments and feed back will be greatly appreciated. :)

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