Chapter 3

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As soon as we were set down, I backed away from Feyre until my back hit a wall. I pressed myself into it as the others arrived, Cassian being brought by Rhys.

"Did you find her?" Amren asked as she walked through the doorway next to me.

Feyre gave a pointed look in my direction and Amren turned. I couldn't help but stare at her. Amren's eyes didn't swirl so I knew this was post war, but I could still feel her power.

I began to wonder if she really was from the Throne of Glass world, I borrowed the series from the library as soon as I finished A Court of Frost and Starlight.

I held my tongue, deciding that asking her personal history would not win me any favours.

I realised I had been staring for too long and I blinked, looking away from the small female. The rest of the inner circle looked curious but none of them asked anything.

I felt a sound shield slide around me as they spoke, I inwardly rolled my eyes as I began to read their lips, it was a helpful skill I picked up a little while ago.

"What are we supposed to do with a human child?" Cassian asked.

"Take her back to the human realm?" Mor replied, looking a little unsure.

"That would not be a good idea," Amren cut in.

"And why is that?" Rhys asked.

"Because that isn't where she came from," Amren told him with a glare.

"Then where is she from?" Cassian butted in.

"Rhys, are you sure your sound shield is working?" Feyre asked before anyone else could speak.

"Yes Feyre, why?" He asked, arms crossed.

"Because she seems to be following our conversation." Feyre said and all eyes slid to me.

The shield dropped and I let out a breath I didn't realise I had been holding. I stared at them in silence while they all thought over what to say.

"Could you hear us?" Feyre asked.

"No," I told her quietly.

"But you know what we said, don't you?" She pressed.

"Yes," I whispered.

"How is that possible?" Mor asked me.

"I can read lips, essentially I can tell what sounds you are making without having to hear them." I told her, my voice still little more than a whisper.

"Is Amren right?" Rhys asked.

"Yes," I told him, my voice a little louder.

"So where are you from?" Cassian asked.

I glanced at Amren, wondering if she was going to answer or if I had to. She raised her brow at me, and I looked back to Cassian.

"Another world," I said, and the room erupted.

I couldn't hear myself think and it felt like the walls were pressing in on me. All of them were talking at once, questions were being thrown around, but no answers were given.

I can't stand loud noises, not after that night two years ago, so I sank to the floor, my hands pressing against my ears to try and block out the sound while I squeezed my eyes closed to stop the walls from pressing in.

I felt like I was there for hours, my panic slowly building. A hand landed gently on my knee and I blindly lashed out, hitting nothing but open air. I stared at the shocked faces around me.

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