Chapter 16: Soar

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        Ralph began to lead Justice out of the barn while I remained perched on his back. The tall sorrel horse shifted from foot to foot excitidly. He ambled along to the parade where the seven other horses stood stock still their nostrils flaring taking in the scene. I took my place behind number two and stroked Justice's neck he tossed his mane raring to go.  I glanced around taking in the other competion, I knew nobody that was good. I wouldn't get pysched out, I can't let anyhting bother me just me and the horse. I took a deep shuddering breath and followed the number two horse around the circle. The last mineute betters scratching notes on their tattered programs.

        "Number three is my favourite to win," I heard a man whisper  to his colleague "I've heard about her and she's fast."

        I smiled to myself my name was spreading around. The gate opened onto the track and Justice's ears perked up he tried to speed up and almost rear ended horse number two. I pulled back on the reigns slightly and he responded. A man came and grabbed Justice's bridle and led him to the third gate the doors clanged behind us and Justice raised his head glancing around at the horses on either side of him.

        The loud speaker crackled to life with just the slightest bit of feed back, "Race number 1023 will begin in 60 seconds..." I nodded to my self ok Av you got this don't give up now.

        "30 seconds, final announcment." I readied my self pushing up into position like Ralph had taught me.

        The buzzer sounded and the gates shot open, eight horses burst out of the gates and began to thunder along the track leaving clods of torn up turf in their wake. I positioned myself along the rail with about four other horses ahead of me but not by much. Justice pounded along putting everything he had into this race. A tall black stallion was in the lead followed by a gray filly, a red dun gelding and a bay mare. I sped past the red dun and the bay and becoming even with the gray fillies heels. We rounded the second corner and the other horses fell behind the three in the lead. The black horse just strides away from the filly and I. I was neck and neck with the filly and she was breathing hard her coat darkening with sweat. We were almost around the final bend and that was when I overtook the filly, remembering Ralph's words I loosened Justice's reigns and let him stretch out his legs. He pounded after the black stallion just a length behind him. The finish line loomed ahead and the two horses sped on Justice slowly gaining on the huge black horse.

        The ribbon broke with the large black horse in the lead, Justice's head hung low his sides heaving and sweat soaked his coat. Ralph and Gavin pushed onto the field.

        "Avery, that was great! You did so good!" Gavin cheered.

        "It was great, you almost caught him, lets hope you do better with Jessie. Go get ready I'll tend to Justice here." I hopped off the large sorrel and wrapped my arms around his thick neck.

        "You did great boy, you ran so fast." I stroked his blaze and the horse whickered nudging me with his muzzle. I strode off with Gavin back to the barn to prepare for the next race.

        I slipped on the riding silks for Jessie's race and Gavin handed me her reigns. I mounted up onto her back and clucked, we moved forward out into the parade. I positioned myself behind number five and glanced around the circle of competitors. A skinny girl with long black hair glared at me across the circle, Raein. I returned the glare of hostility. She mouthed the words 'I'm going to kill you'. I shuddered and focused my attention on the horse beneath me. Sensing my nervousness Jessie crab stepped and I squeezed her sides. She calmed and the gate opened, the competitors urged their horses through the gates and were led along to the starting gates. Jessie, now positioned in gate 6 whickered and tossed her head raring to go. Seven pulled in beside me and I heard the list of names and horses announced.

       "... Number 3   Enchanted Diamonds, owned by Silver Brooke Farms and ridden by Raein Marshalls..." poor horse I shuddered and brushed a bit of dirt off of my silks.

        "... Number 6 Jessie's Girl, owned by Stone Meadow Stabled and ridden by Avery Hunter..." I readied myself as they finished the anncouments and the voice came over the loud speaker yet again.

        "60 seconds until the buzzer...." Jessie pawed the ground excitedly.

        "30 seconds until the buzzer..." Jessie readied herself ear perked and I pushed up into a crouch. The buzzer rang and the gates flew open, Jessie soared out of the starting gates behind a bay mare who quickly took the lead. Raein flew past the mare and Jessie over taking the other horses by a couple lengths. Stupid I smirked, the horse would tire. Jessie began to gain speed and her heels became level with the bay mares head. She pushed on and I checked behind me. The bay mare and a grey gelding were level.  Raein horse was pushing on but Jessie was gaining on her the red dun she was riding was beginning to darken and froth flew from his mouth. We were nearing the final stretch of turf when Jessie began to fight for control, I gave her more reign and she tore down the track coming level with Raein's horse. I pushed Jessie futher and as we neared the track Jessie pushed back Enchanted Diamonds and Raein kicking dirt clods into their face.

        Jessie broke through the ribbon and I threw my hand into the air, sweet victory. Raein pulled up beside me scowling, I laughed and tossed my brown hair over my shoulder. Gavin and Ralph came running onto the track with broad grins on both of their faces.

        "You did it you were great!" Ralph exclaimed and Gavin hugged Jessie. Ralph grabbed the winning horses halter and began to lead her and I across the track to the winner's circle, he placed a huge red rosette across Jessie wither and Ralph and Gavin stood on ethier side of Jessie with me on her back.

        "Smile."  cheered the photographer and snapped a picture of us. God it felt good to win.

        Gavin smiled up at me, "How does dinner tonight sound, just you and I?"

        "Wonderful." I answered and slid off of Jessie into his arms planting a kiss on his cheek. This was the best day ever.


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